Organizing your own Book Modules.

Pastor Langley

Active Member
Before reading, yes I should have started this process before. Guilty. Anyone have an organizing method of your own modules verses others? Printed list of Book and Dictionaries sorting them to make sure of mine and others? Would there be a way marking or tagging all your own builds and others inside SwordSearcher. It would be nice. Working this week on this idea.
Could this be accomplished in [Configure Module Sets]....Mmmm? Will test that too.
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That's a good way to categorize your modules by any criteria you choose.
Thanks! Working on some ideas this week. Glad I'm in the right spot. Would love to see your organization.👀
Old Post what I was asking... Just found the old post!
On the right track.
wsbones - You can also use a shortcut to open the module set dialog
(Alt-uc) and then pick the set you want from the name.
Before reading, yes I should have started this process before. Guilty. Anyone have an organizing method of your own modules verses others? Printed list of Book and Dictionaries sorting them to make sure of mine and others? Would there be a way marking or tagging all your own builds and others inside SwordSearcher. It would be nice. Working this week on this idea.
Could this be accomplished in [Configure Module Sets]....Mmmm? Will test that too.
Not an elegant solution but I place my initials at the front of the name.

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That's a good way to categorize your modules by any criteria you choose.
So this als
Not an elegant solution but I place my initials at the front of the name.

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I literally thought of this just an hour ago! Great minds do think alike... maybe... Ha! Thanks. The solution Brandon spoke of is the way to go for me. I am sure with a zillion questions out there, it's gotta make him feel good that most of them are already built into the DESIGN of SwordSearcher.
I also start the beginning of my personal modules with "BStaggs" but I have very few. Just BStaggsL for Lessons, BstaggsT for Topical, and BStaggsC for Commentary.

Would love to see your organization.👀
I don't have much to show in this regard. I don't make heavy use of many commentaries and books. I tend to stick with a handful, and I use the module collections primarily as a way to quickly manage my tabs and margin links.

It's also worth mentioning that module collections can be used to filter full library search results.

I also start the beginning of my personal modules with "BStaggs" but I have very few. Just BStaggsL for Lessons, BstaggsT for Topical, and BStaggsC for Commentary.

I don't have much to show in this regard. I don't make heavy use of many commentaries and books. I tend to stick with a handful, and I use the module collections primarily as a way to quickly manage my tabs and margin links.

It's also worth mentioning that module collections can be used to filter full library search results.

View attachment 2383
Yes thank you. The Module Sets are most helpful. Still trying to determine whats best for my layouts. I actually thought the letters up front might be a "little cheesy" but now that two people have stated this, not so crazy... Don't have a 49" monitor like somebody we know. Johnny . He has every single Module opened ALL AT ONCE. Ha! Very Nice.
The "Margin Links" you show 5 from bottom on image above has me curious. Not sure I understand. We (users) can make a Module Set of "Margin Links"?
The "Margin Links" you show 5 from bottom on image above has me curious. Not sure I understand. We (users) can make a Module Set of "Margin Links"?
You can call your module set anything you like.

At one time I used that module set to control my margin links, but now I just have the same set for tabs and margin links.

In case it is not clear in the window, you can assign a module set the job of controlling your preferred visible tabs and/or margin links.

This is explained here:

You can call your module set anything you like.

At one time I used that module set to control my margin links, but now I just have the same set for tabs and margin links.

In case it is not clear in the window, you can assign a module set the job of controlling your preferred visible tabs and/or margin links.

This is explained here:

Yes am looking at that. Yes sir I am there. Got it. But thank you very much!1732052437795.png
Does my locations seem to be ok? Desktop as a Master, all work done there, then update Laptop. But I use Reading plan either way and keep that seperate it is always updated this way.
How can one tell iwhat Module Set is running or open? I see the shorcuts, and right-clicks thanks again for that.
Still reading. I mean you already have it working (3 different ways) we all just want more. Ha!
A feature could be under Help, as a visiual reminder before one forgets.
Does my locations seem to be ok?
There should be no reason to have the Program Files\SwordSearcher location on the list. It's unlikely there are any modules in that folder anyway, and the Modules subfolder that contains the modules included with SwordSearcher is always searched first regardless.

How can one tell iwhat Module Set is running or open?

The icons next to the module set name will tell you which ones you have set for tabs and margin links, if any.

There should be no reason to have the Program Files\SwordSearcher location on the list. It's unlikely there are any modules in that folder anyway, and the Modules subfolder that contains the modules included with SwordSearcher is always searched first regardless.

The icons next to the module set name will tell you which ones you have set for tabs and margin links, if any.

View attachment 2385
Program Files\SwordSearcher - removed. Not sure how got there? Yes I understand the layout. It is making more sense as I test it. What I wanted was like windows, folder for my stuff, folder for other stuff, folder for only editable stuff, and finally folder with stuff I'm working on. I know it's not Windows Explorer, it's what is in me using windows so long. Getting better now that I read the "Help" you shared.
Thanks for the help.
Program Files\SwordSearcher - removed. Not sure how got there? Yes I understand the layout. It is making more sense as I test it. What I wanted was like windows, folder for my stuff, folder for other stuff, folder for only editable stuff, and finally folder with stuff I'm working on. I know it's not Windows Explorer, it's what is in me using windows so long. Getting better now that I read the "Help" you shared.
Thanks for the help.
YES!..."Help" has become my best friend..... in panic mode; "F1 F1 F1 F1"
Is there a way to copy Module Sets to my lap top? So when I open it exact copy of desktop? I am using OneDrive already to sync the User Modules Folder. I mean have both PC's have same module sets automaticly same if make changes?
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Module sets won't sync between devices automatically but you can manually sync them.




That will save your module sets settings to a file, which you can restore on another computer.

For that matter, most of the settings in SwordSearcher can be transferred this way.
WORKED like a charm, Thanks again.
My only observation is the time lag or OneDrive response time, that is not SwordSearcher that is Internet. I have slow connection at home, at church fast. That is something that I have to be concerned with as setting it up like this. But that said this it is exactly what I have wanted for quite some time. With OneDrive's auto syncing, it does things when it wants too. The Personal Vault seems to be that issue. Thank you again.