Problem with links


Beta Tester
SS is looking up links in the active book/dictionary rather than jumping to the appropriate commentaries and books. The cursor is a vertical bar when I hover over the link. When this happened, I exited and came back in to the program but the problem was still there. It seems to happen only on the first verse in the Bible window. After doing a page down in the Bible window, the problem went away. This happened once before and seems to be an intermittent problem. I don't remember what I was doing just before it happened.
Thanks for the report. I haven't been able to reproduce this problem. If it happens again, could you take a screen shot and email it to me please? With the problem visible, press the PrntScrn button on your keyboard to copy an image of your desktop to the clipboard. Then paste it into a graphic program and save it, then email it. Thanks!