Proximity Search


Beta Tester
Does the proximity search require the second specification to be all in one verse? For example:
grace within 3 verses of mercy peace?

Is there a way using proximity search to find several words within N verses of eachother? Could you find the occurrence of grace, mercy, peace in Ezra 6:6-12 with proximity search or do you need a regex?

Is it correct to say the proximity search is finding the first expression (contained in one verse) within N verses of the second expression (contained in one verse)?
Is it correct to say the proximity search is finding the first expression (contained in one verse) within N verses of the second expression (contained in one verse)?

Yes, that's correct.

Is there a way using proximity search to find several words within N verses of eachother? Could you find the occurrence of grace, mercy, peace in Ezra 6:6-12 with proximity search or do you need a regex?

You can put multiple words in either expression using the Boolean | operator (pipe is "or"). The word grace doesn't appear in Ezra 6 though.

You could put grace in the first expression and mercy|peace in the second expression. This finds Ezra 9. But there is no way to limit the search to a range that contains all three words in three separate verses.