question about red letter words of Jesus search


Hello. I'm a new Swordsearcher user and I'm very impressed with it. I do have a question regarding the red letter word search. Can I list all the verses that contain red letters? Thanks! Jim
Hello. I'm a new Swordsearcher user and I'm very impressed with it. I do have a question regarding the red letter word search. Can I list all the verses that contain red letters? Thanks! Jim

Hmmm... Wouldn't THAT make an interesting search option... ;)
Can I list all the verses that contain red letters? Thanks! Jim

If I understand the question correctly you should get the results you are looking for by using the following from the menu bar "Search > Search KJV Words of Christ..."

Now in the resulting dialog box simply enter an * (Shifted 8 on the keyboard) and press return. Everything matches this wildcard and thus it should return a complete list of all verses containing 'Red Lettered' texts.

Note: The search results returned will have every character highlighted (default is Yellow) since every character matches which may not be very pleasing to the eye. You can, if need be, set the highlight color to white, effectively turning highlighting off on the search panel, than later reset it to a suitable color for other searches. This is done from the menu bar "File>Preferences." Now on the "Fonts and Colors" tab you will see under "Default text settings" and "Search highlight color" that you can change to suit.

I hope this is helpful,