Retaining modules during computer upgrades/changes

Rick Lendvoy

I'm in the process of upgrading my computer, and repurchased the program in a deluxe version. Build number is 9.1

I'm interested in starting to use my own personal modules, "MyNotes" and "MyStudies", but seeing I am in an computer upgrade, would like to plan ahead to the next potential one.

How do I or how will I move those modules to the next computer and then newly purchased program with all my notes, studies and links following along?
Back up ...Back up .... Back up.
your file: "SwordSearcher User Modules" MUST be backed up on a "flash drive" or an "external hard drive".
______THEN, you will download IT in the "NEW" computer.
As an advice.... ALWAYS back up that file.....ALLLLLLL the time. (personnel experience taught me SO).
enjoy the NEW full DELUXE version.
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Short version: Your documents folder will contain a folder called "SwordSearcher User Modules." back it up.