Robinson's Morphological Codes


Active Member
Does anyone know if anyone has made this work available as a SwordSearcher module? Is it copyright somehow in one or more other bible software programs?

As far as I know, it's not available.
This is in e-Sword and another one I found. I wonder if it is copyrighted for use in those.

I started copying and pasting it into SwordSearcher, which is fairly easy. But, when I tried to use Forge and make a bible user TR module so I could link to this RMC module, I could not edit the user bible module. So, I started on a user, editable commentary (with the idea that I could view it side by side with the KJV with Strong's links and could make a comparison between the TR with it's endings against the Lemma entry in Strong's).

It would be a huge undertaking and I'm not quite sure I am ready to tackle it by myself. Is there anyone else here who might be interested in tackling this job with me, in case I don't just chicken out and give up on it, or does anyone have any ideas to perhaps do it differently than what I am thinking?

I think this might be a good thing for those of us who barely know just enough Koine Greek to get us in trouble.

Does anyone know of any copyright issues if we did this work - such as copying from e-Sword in order to do the work?

This is in e-Sword and another one I found. I wonder if it is copyrighted for use in those.

I started copying and pasting it into SwordSearcher, which is fairly easy. But, when I tried to use Forge and make a bible user TR module so I could link to this RMC module, I could not edit the user bible module. So, I started on a user, editable commentary (with the idea that I could view it side by side with the KJV with Strong's links and could make a comparison between the TR with it's endings against the Lemma entry in Strong's).

It would be a huge undertaking and I'm not quite sure I am ready to tackle it by myself. Is there anyone else here who might be interested in tackling this job with me, in case I don't just chicken out and give up on it, or does anyone have any ideas to perhaps do it differently than what I am thinking?

I think this might be a good thing for those of us who barely know just enough Koine Greek to get us in trouble.

Does anyone know of any copyright issues if we did this work - such as copying from e-Sword in order to do the work?


You could always try using a macro recorder for Windows. I have used autohotkey to copy and paste from one source to another. It basically records keystrokes and mouse movement and plays them back via a script which you can edit. There are other recorders available also. Try googling macro recorder for windows.
Thanks much Bro. Bill.

I've decided to give up on this project, since I have discovered how I can arrange e-Sword so I can accomplish what I want which is to compare the TR prefixes and suffixes with the Lemma Greek words in Strongs.

In case others might be interested, did you all know that there are free places on the internet where you can study Koine Greek of the New Testament? If anyone is interested, I can send you a link or two. There are even videos on YouTube which are good IMO for those who want to dabble around a little bit with Greek. I am old enough now that I figure there is not much value and perhaps not enough time left for my getting too in depth with any of this.

Thanks & MGB,