

Beta Tester
I notice when I do a search that the window becomes "pinned" even though I set the last search window and the verse list window to autohide.

It seems more intuitive to have all search windows follow the chosen precedent. Maybe this was designed this way so that you make the decision for each search.

Any thoughts?
I've been playing with the layout of the Bibles panel full page with the other panels docked under it. They all seem to keep their shape and auto hide properties and be accessible pretty much instantly. Try it and let me know if that works for you... :)

Oops, I was wrong. You still have to unpin the search panel, but it's easy with just a click...
I've been playing with the layout of the Bibles panel full page with the other panels docked under it.

That's the way I like to use it also.

I turned off the verse guide for now. Whenever I go to a verse (F6) it always pops up and I usually just close it. The alt-T gives me the information when I need it or I can right click on a verse to open the verse guide.
SwordSearcher 5 has so many neat features that I keep trying different stuff - just because I can! It's absolutely awesome! :cool:
Hi Bill,

I'll see about changing the behavior of the autohide in this situation. Though powerful, autohide isn't always intuitive, which is the reason it's off by default. :)

Thanks for the feedback.
That's the way I like to use it also.

I turned off the verse guide for now. Whenever I go to a verse (F6) it always pops up and I usually just close it. The alt-T gives me the information when I need it or I can right click on a verse to open the verse guide.

Well, I'm back to the Bible on the left and the Commentaries and Books on the right. I think it's easier to read the shortened lines. Thank you, Brandon, for making all this repositioning possible! ?Es buenisimo! :grin: