Sermon Developer

Michael Camp

I like to create my sermons using word, landscaped page, widest margins, and two columns. I would LOVE to have a word processor built into the system so I could just simply develop my sermons in it. nothing fancy. just the capability of creating sermons within the Bible program and splitting them into two columns so I could just print them when done in said format.
You could create a user book and insert a 2-column, 1-row table. You would need to go to the Code tab and change the cellspacing to 50, the table width to "100%", the table border to "0", then in the table data (td) lines add "width="50%". Then you would set your printer options to print landscape, etc. Here's a sample of the table code with the items that need to be changed or added in bold so you can spot them:

<table style="font-size: 1em" cellspacing="50" cellpadding="1" width="100%" border="0">
<td valign="top" width="50%">This is column one of a test for two column printing for a sermon of undetermined length.</td>
<td valign="top" width="50%">This is column two of a test for two column printing for a sermon of undetermined length.</td>

When you've made these changes, you can go back to Design mode and enter the text. This is what it looks like on my computer:


  • sermon1.jpg
    121 KB · Views: 459
wow. I really need to read these forums more. ive used sword searcher for several years now and never knew all these. I will def. try the recommendations and let you all know! thanks.
This is what my code setup looks like. I'm not too savy in code but can follow instructions pretty well but this is unfamiliar territory for me. I set it up as shown but its not set up in the processor like yours. not sure. I know its not exactly right though. tips more than welcomed. thanks guys.


  • ss.PNG
    24.3 KB · Views: 404
This is what my code setup looks like. I'm not too savy in code but can follow instructions pretty well but this is unfamiliar territory for me. I set it up as shown but its not set up in the processor like yours. not sure. I know its not exactly right though. tips more than welcomed. thanks guys.
You just need [to add] the width entry of 50% and put a little text between the >< so that you will see where you can then add text ... Once you go back to Design mode. :)

<td valign="top" width="50%">This is column one of a test for two column printing for a sermon of undetermined length.</td>
<td valign="top" width="50%">This is column two of a test for two column printing for a sermon of undetermined length.</td>
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This won't be exactly like Word 2 column format, since Word does the wrapping in a continuous way. When you get to the bottom of column 1 in word it starts at the top of col 2 and at the end of col 2, it goes to the next page, and so forth.

With a 2 column table as Marty described you would have to do that manually and stop at end of the page for col 1. Then you would start to type into column 2 at the top of the page until you reached the correct number of lines in column 1. Then you would go to the bottom of column 1 and leave a few blank lines and start typing page 2, etc.

A better way might be to develop and keep your sermons in a SS book making a new topic for each sermon and using the built in editor in design mode. When satisfied with the result copy the sermon to Word, and let Word do the columns, paging, and printing. Word become a utility for SS :)