Shortcut for copying from one module to another


Active Member
Is there a shortcut to copy an entry in one module to the same entry in a different module. For example, I made a commentary entry in one module that should have been in a different one. How can I then move it to another module and remove it from the one I posted to in error and delete the entry in the erring module posting?

Thanks. If there is no such easy option, maybe Brandon could consider it in an update if it is possible to do so.

I looked for a shortcut, but couldn't find one specifically for this task. I would open the errant entry in the editor, click on the 'edit' menu and choose 'select all', then, again in the 'edit' menu, choose 'cut', and close the editor. Then open the correct entry in the editor, click on the 'edit' menu and choose 'paste'. The shortcut keys for 'select all', 'cut' and 'paste' are shown in the edit menu if you need them. If you wanted to make sure that the entry content is safe, you could use 'copy' instead of 'cut' and then go back and delete the errant entry, otherwise, 'cut' will delete the entry by itself. I have a feeling that you already know of this method, but in case you don't, there it is.
I looked for a shortcut, but couldn't find one specifically for this task. I would open the errant entry in the editor, click on the 'edit' menu and choose 'select all', then, again in the 'edit' menu, choose 'cut', and close the editor. Then open the correct entry in the editor, click on the 'edit' menu and choose 'paste'. The shortcut keys for 'select all', 'cut' and 'paste' are shown in the edit menu if you need them. If you wanted to make sure that the entry content is safe, you could use 'copy' instead of 'cut' and then go back and delete the errant entry, otherwise, 'cut' will delete the entry by itself. I have a feeling that you already know of this method, but in case you don't, there it is.
yep, same... I do that too . . . .
Couldn't have had done it better ! ! ! !
#1 marty.
There's no shortcut for that, you'll need to copy and paste.