StudyClick on Mac [SOLVED]


I am using a Mac and SwordSearcher is running under Windows using Parallels. Everything seems to work fine except StudyClick. I have watched the video but nothing that the video shows is working for me.

StudyClick shows up in the preferences menu so I know the feature should be available.

Any ideas?
Re: StudyClick not working on Mac

Perhaps someone else using a Mac might be able to comment. Do other commands that use the Windows keyboard CTRL button work for you? Such as CTRL+C and CTRL+V? Since SwordSearcher is Windows software I do not know how or if that would map on a Mac computer and keyboard.
Re: StudyClick on Mac

Other Windows apps work fine as well as SwordSearcher. I entered Ctrl-F11 in SwordSearcher and it opened the library module as expected. The only part that I have found that does not work is StudyClick.
Re: StudyClick on Mac

Other Windows apps work fine as well as SwordSearcher. I entered Ctrl-F11 in SwordSearcher and it opened the library module as expected. The only part that I have found that does not work is StudyClick.

I did some Googling and it appears that problems with holding down modifier keys is not unheard of in Parallels Desktop for Mac.

The bottom of this post: has a suggested solution.

Also, in your Parallels Windows settings, make sure sticky keys is turned off, as it could interfere with StudyClick.

As you move the mouse over words in SwordSearcher, SwordSearcher "polls" the keyboard to see if the CTRL key is being held down. This is different from a shortcut keypress, which is why a keypress like CTRL+F11 may work but StudyClick may not. Something is interfering with SwordSearcher getting valid data on which keys are actually held down on the keyboard.
Re: StudyClick on Mac

Thanks Brandon! Optimizing the modifier keys for games did the trick.

Great -- thanks for the update!