Switching to SS from a presentation


Beta Tester
When I use alt-tab to switch from PowerPoint or from a web page to SS and then type alt-g to go to a verse reference, SS displays the verse but the "go to verse" box loses the highlight so you can't type in a second verse reference using alt-g without clicking somewhere in the text or in the "go to verse" box. In other words I can't type alt-g twice in a row.

Nothing seems to have the focus after the above action without clicking somewhere or using the mouse wheel.

I have a custom display set with the Bible only on the left side of the monitor. The other SS panes are undocked on the right side of the monitor and are closed.
I just tried this a few ways and can't reproduce this problem. I wonder if you might try disabling or adjusting the options in File > Preferences > Sync Options > "When Go To Verse Is Set". Although both of mine are turned on and it seems to work fine.
This is an intermittent thing. It's working correctly today but yesterday it consistently lost focus as I described. I've had it happen before also but didn't report it. Some combination of things must happen between the Vista OS, the other program, and SS to make this occur. I'll watch for it.

I have sync settings for go to active commentary but I have open verse guide unchecked.
