Sword Searcher name in Windows Startup


Active Member
I have Sword Searcher 9, yet in the Windows 7 Start Up menu, it has Sword Searcher 8. Does anybody know why? Is there a way to refresh Windows Startup menu?
Most likely this is a shortcut that was created manually some time before you upgraded. You can probably just right-click the shortcut and select Properties to edit it so it has a new name. Sorry, I no longer have a Windows 7 machine handy that I can test on to give you more specific instructions.
Most likely this is a shortcut that was created manually some time before you upgraded. You can probably just right-click the shortcut and select Properties to edit it so it has a new name. Sorry, I no longer have a Windows 7 machine handy that I can test on to give you more specific instructions.
ok that worked. I right clicked, then clicked properties, and then clicked on the general tab. There was I able to rename it to Sword Searcher 9. Thank you.