SwordSearcher 9 and Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3


Active Member
I saw that Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3 is free on the StudyLamp website. If I already own Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3, do I also need to download Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3, or is it integrated into SwordSearcher?

They are separate programs. Daily Bible and Prayer is not part of SwordSearcher.
I saw that Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3 is free on the StudyLamp website. If I already own Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3, do I also need to download Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3, or is it integrated into SwordSearcher?

I use it a lot... and enjoy it.
great program to keep track of your prayers.
Go ahead, download it, you will love it!
parkernathan, you mentioned Daily Bible and Prayer are on StudyLamp. I went there to download it but couldn't find it anywhere on that site
Thank you, Brandon!