SwordSearcher Editor "Code Mode" Help

Pastor Langley

Active Member
I have a (one page book module) with OT and NT table. Want to make a seperate single page Book Module Page for each. My solution is to delete the highlighted lines below manually (code mode). Is there a command to do this all at once? Built in MS Excel, copied into SwordSearcher years ago. All works fine. Too wide to fit into one window so making two pages in the module. Thanks for any advice.
2024-12-02 (4).png Left is progress so far. 1733157838218.png Left of right side. 1733158054206.png Original table used (Style and Format Cleaner) SwordSearcher.
What it looks like when in SwordSearcher Classic Mode, does not fit well unless you close something. Clone is an opyion too. It works fine. But if only one monitor it is a problem. I have 3 24" monitors so thats a blessing. Just wanted to get it more user friendly for one screen. Help was very useful, Clone, Maximize, all seem to be a work-a-round for the need. Just wanting to improve the "Single-Monitor" issue.

Code below. Bold removing manually.
First is the left side of my table, bold is what is on right side.

<TD vAlign=top>94</TD>
<TD vAlign=top>Smitten Rock, Uplifted Brazen Serpent</TD>
<TD vAlign=top><A
<TD vAlign=top>94</TD>
<TD vAlign=top>Spiritual Darkness</TD>
<TD vAlign=top><A

Single Monitor View: