SwordSearcher Modules on Dispensationalism


Active Member
I’m writing a section in my PhD dissertation on Dispensationalism, and I’m wondering if there are some SwordSearcher modules that would provide me some background info here.

Here are the areas I’m researching:

  • Darby: Bio Sketch and his position on Israel and the church
  • Scofield: Same as Darby
  • W. H. Griffith Thomas: Same as Darby and Scofield
  • I just need to briefly summarize what a Darby/Scofield dispensationalism looks like
  • Scofield Reference Bible: Short history
  • Niagara Bible Conference: Short history
  • Darby’s Brethren: Short history
I’m already been reading a ton of materials on these subjects, just wondering if there are some good SwordSearcher modules that covers these topics.

I’m writing a section in my PhD dissertation on Dispensationalism, and I’m wondering if there are some SwordSearcher modules that would provide me some background info here.

Here are the areas I’m researching:

  • Darby: Bio Sketch and his position on Israel and the church
  • Scofield: Same as Darby
  • W. H. Griffith Thomas: Same as Darby and Scofield
  • I just need to briefly summarize what a Darby/Scofield dispensationalism looks like
  • Scofield Reference Bible: Short history
  • Niagara Bible Conference: Short history
  • Darby’s Brethren: Short history
I’m already been reading a ton of materials on these subjects, just wondering if there are some good SwordSearcher modules that covers these topics.

I don't know of any in SwordSearcher that meet those criteria.
LarkinDT Module:

Dispensational Truth
God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages

Clarence Larkin
This one should help.(unless I misunderstood.)
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Great. Thanks! I’ll take a look at Larkin and do the full library search. I wasn’t sure how to do that.
These are not Sword Searcher modules,

1. Dispensationalism before Darby: Seventeenth-Century and Eighteenth-Century English Apocalypticism

by William C. Watson

2. By Charles C Ryrie - Dispensationalism​

and two books by David E Walker

3. Rightly Dividing the Bible Volume One: The Basics and Background of Dispensationalism​

or the older version which is a little harder to find

4. Dispensationalism (The Bible Believer's Guide)​

Don't over look some theology books.
Hi Nathan, those areas you are researching (your list) would be books that a dispensationalist would own. He would most likely purchase them separately. They are not included in any Bible program that I know of. I know you mentioned in another post that you had Accordance and Logos have you tried there?
Thanks! I do have some of them in Accordance and Logos (plus I’ve accessed my school’s library, Scribd, and Internet Archive). I believe I have everything for now, but it was still fun giving SwordSearcher a full library search. Thanks again everyone for your assistance on this!