Verse formatting problem in version 5


Active Member
After I have created a module and have set the module via Forge so that the module is editable and have put it into SwordSearcher I find that the verse links are properly marked such as #Gen 3:4| but that is just how they look also. The link is not there. However, I can go into each individual chapter, etc. and into edit and make a false edit (such as inserting a space and then removing that space) and then click to save that chapter, etc. and it brings out the link.

Am I doing something wrong somewhere or is that a necessary ingredient when Forge is marked such that modules can be edited?

Thanks much,
See the forge pdf file for instructions. You have to use <scripref>Gen 4:3</scripref> tags to mark the verses in forge.

See the forge pdf file for instructions. You have to use <scripref>Gen 4:3</scripref> tags to mark the verses in forge.


Bill, what mods have you created for SS?

Besides the harmony mod (I think) you sent me before.

Are they available to others?
I converted the Dake Study Bible notes from WordSearch, the NASB, NKJV and NIV from other Bible programs. These are all copyrighted materials.

I imported my own notes from Online Bible, the Harmony that I sent to you from a web site, a chronological outline of the Bible from Bible Research Systems.

I created an audio commentary that plays the Alexander Scourby audio wave files of each chapter and some discipleship lessons that I use in teaching at church.

I can share the audio commentary but not the audio files. It would need to edited depending on the location of the audio files on your hard drive.
Am I doing something wrong somewhere or is that a necessary ingredient when Forge is marked such that modules can be edited?

As Bill noted, Forge uses <scripref></scripref> tags instead of the shorthand # and |. Complete details are included in the Forge PDF documentation.