What I love about SwordSearcher

I began using e-sword in 2001, and over the past 18 years I never saw the need for any other bible software. Then, two months ago I found SwordSearcher while searching the Internet for information and downloaded the free trial. Within an hour I knew I was going to purchase SwordSearcher. I especially enjoyed the one-click option to load all verses. That revolutionized Bible study for me. You see, in e-sword under the Naves tab (for example), you can see all the references, but you must either click on them one by one or hover over them one by one. Unless you have time and incredible patience to do so, it’s not very likely that one would look up hundreds of references in that way.

However now that I own a copy of SwordSearcher, all I need to do is one-click and all the verses are listed and ready to skim or read in depth. Second, I love the expanded TSK. Over 800,000 references! Amazing. This provides endless enjoyment to my personal study of the Bible. Third, what amazed me about SwordSearcher, was how you could add audio bibles and have them sync, not only verse by verse as you read a chapter, but how the audio bible actually plays a single verse when you load all the verses from TSK for example. It plays one verse from John 5, then another verse from Psalm 45 etc. Jumps right to that very verse, reads it and then goes to the next verse. I found that to be very useful to me, and I believe that is truly amazing.

Another way I use SwordSearcher, is with another software called NaturalReaders (It's free!). What I will do is, "Copy All" from a chapter in a book module then paste it into NaturalReaders Text-To-Speech software and click play! This gives me an Instant Audio Book to listen to! SwordSearcher is LOADED with books, which I am excited to listen to one by one. As you can see, SwordSearcher has greatly enriched my life. I thank you for your dedication and perseverance over many many years to develop it to this point.

My only regret is that I did not discover SwordSearcher in 2001 and start using it with my first computer instead of e-sword. In times past I have seen bible software sell for over $500 and have been amazed that e-sword was free. Now I add to this amazement that with all the additional features found in SwordSearcher, including this forum and all the additional websites supported by it, that SwordSearcher is only $59.95. Today, I can't imagine bible study without SwordSearcher, it is quite wonderful. Thank you for making it super affordable. Its value is far greater than we pay to enjoy it.
I'm so glad you like it! Thanks for using SwordSearcher and telling us why you're using it.
I just tried NaturalReaders. It's a nice piece of software. Very easy to use. Thanks for the tip.

I use Microsoft Narrator to read sermons right in the book window of SS but it's not as easy to control as NaturalReaders. The MS David voice is pretty easy to understand. It would like to have a button to play/pause/stop for the reading of books and commentaries in SS.
I agree concerning the play/pause/stop button for the Sword.
I know the program is already terrific, but to be able to easily hear the material being read out loud would really help me.
But for nor now I just downloaded the Natural Reader also.
I too used eSword for years before finding SS. It is the most valuable personal software that I own and it seems like Brandon continues to find peculiar ways to improve it; for instance, the Word trees!! Who in the world would have thought of something like that? I could go on and on but you are all quite familiar with it... it simply the BEST! Thanks Brandon! :)
I too used eSword for years before finding SS. It is the most valuable personal software that I own and it seems like Brandon continues to find peculiar ways to improve it; for instance, the Word trees!! Who in the world would have thought of something like that? I could go on and on but you are all quite familiar with it... it simply the BEST! Thanks Brandon! :)
Yep.... Amen, Amen, Amen to this...!!!!!😀😉
Ken, I wonder if this information in Mr. Curtis' comments above:

"...Another way I use SwordSearcher, is with another software called NaturalReaders (It's free!). What I will do is, "Copy All" from a chapter in a book module then paste it into NaturalReaders Text-To-Speech software and click play!"

I wonder if this would help you with your questions in your post:

And p.s. I whole-heartedly agree with Mr. Curtis' comments "...Today, I can't imagine Bible study without SwordSearcher, it is quite wonderful. Thank you for making it super affordable. Its value is far greater than we pay to enjoy it."

Thank you, Brandon Staggs

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
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My Windows computer has been a MESS since an update last summer. There is no software that compares to SwordSearcher for any price. The only reason I have not thrown my Win laptop in the trash and given up on Windows forever is because I need it for SwordSearcher. I use some of the other softwares as ebook readers but not as full software. I gave the others all a try again, and just NO! They are a waste of my time more than my money.

And even the most expensive are only as good as the information put into them. When software tries to do everything in every translation it spits out garbage, total garbage.

Thank you Brandon and everyone else that has worked to make Swordsearcher WORK. It even works on a broken computer. LOL.

I need to be doing some topical studies right now. I have some stuff going on in my life. My gratitude for this software is immense.
Not sure how long I've been using SS but I found it through a friend after years of searching for the "perfect" software. I'm a long-time computer user and like to take advantage of what they can do. I tried many products but once I found SS I have never looked back.! I am very grateful for the work Brandon's team have done. I have enjoyed telling others about SS. The 5 pack purchase option is a great idea for blessing others.
Thanks you SO much SS team!!
Yes, I have used eSword also and it has a lot of great features. But it can be overwhelming at times. Also, creating user modules does not seem very easy from what I have seen. It is obvious that the SS team has put a lot of thought into making the features of SS user friendly and a joy to use. Thanks for all of your efforts. I look forward to using Sword Searcher for many years to come.