Willmington's Guide to the Bible Module...


I know this request maybe a stretch for inclusion with a future deluxe release. But maybe it could be offered as a Premium Module (to cover additional licensing costs.)

I love SwordSearcher and think is it by far the BEST digital Bible resource out there. I use it when I teach Sunday School and also during service as my Bible. (I'm running it on my HP TC1100 Win XP Tablet PC Edition)

The addition of Willmington's Guide to the Bible would be the "icing on the cake", as they say.
I know this request maybe a stretch for inclusion with a future deluxe release. But maybe it could be offered as a Premium Module (to cover additional licensing costs.)

I love SwordSearcher and think is it by far the BEST digital Bible resource out there. I use it when I teach Sunday School and also during service as my Bible. (I'm running it on my HP TC1100 Win XP Tablet PC Edition)

The addition of Willmington's Guide to the Bible would be the "icing on the cake", as they say.

I'm going to guess Brandon's reply will include the fact that the licensing fees required would price it out of the range for inclusion. But it would be nice. Even if it were available, even a la David Cloud.
With the addition to the store of the first paid add-on module for SwordSearcher... would this now be possible? I not sure how easy it is to get a hold of a publisher, but this would be a valuable add-on for SwordSearcher. :)
I know this post is old. I have the complete Willmingtons in PDF. I was able to download it from a church planting website. It is called Wilmington's Bible Study Library 1 & 2
This is the notice I received when I downloaded it.

"The resources on this site are provided to assist the church planter in the various aspects of planning a new church. Expression of Appreciation
Dr. Harold Willmington and his publishers have retained the copyright of all materials hereby included. You do have permission to download and use the materials in your personal study and ministry. The materials are not to be mass produced or sold in part or whole without the written permission of Dr. Willmington and/or his publishers.

The chronological study is presented in threefold parts:
1. the preview of each book of the Bible,
2. the overview of each book of the Bible,
3. the review of each book of the Bible. It is advisable to undertake the study of the entire Bible in that order for more comprehensive results.

4. doctrinal study, the Trinity, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, man, the church, sin, salvation, Satan, angels, the Bible, and prophecy. Our hope and prayer is the man of God occupied in the task of shaping new believers will make a companion of this resource to enrich his own spiritual life so that he will be able to help grow well-instructed and informed believers."

Hi christopher,

If your post is old, mine is really old. I was looking for a pdf version of wilmington's guide to the bible on google and came across your post.

since you have download from an open source, would you be able to email the link which you downloaded from?

I am a part of the Faith Bible Institute program and Wilmington's Guide is one of the homework textbooks. would be great if it could be read in pdf on the run.

you could email me directly at: jeremiahttx011096@gmail.com

I would love the same link as well. Thanks
Be careful clicking on these sites that offer free pdf files of copyrighted books. They may install malware. You can see what I mean by searching for Wilmington's Guide to the Bible free download.

https://archive.org › details › willmingtonsguid0000drhl is the only legitimate one that I found. They allow you to read for an hour but not download. You need to set up and account. Once you do that you will see this the message:


Also you should start a conversation using the icon at the top
rather than posting your email address in the open forum.

Yes be careful. As was stated. I bought mine recently.
If anyone still has the Step Library from Quick Verse 8 Deluxe, it contains Willmington's Guide to the Bible (called wctbc_u). You can convert a Step book to RTF format. RTF can be read by Microsoft Word or LibreOffice and then copy/pasted into a SS book.

A converter program can be found here: http://www.biblesupport.com/e-sword-downloads/file/3-step2rtf-step-book-converter/

NOTE: Any resulting SS book cannot be distributed.