Word lookup


Beta Tester
It would be handy to open up a clone panel to look up a word instead of changing the current book location. Something like alt-clicking a word in any pane to open a book or dictionary entry for that word.
I'll note this as a StudyClick feature request. Adding "... in a clone panel" to the closest matching book entry option should be possible.
Would that be added to the current dropdown list or would it be a separate feature with a new hotkey?

Right now, you can already open a clone window while clicking a link in a book or commentary module by holding down CTRL as you click it. So I was looking at new functionality for StudyClick, which is where we get things like turning words into links. It would be another StudyClick option on the list of options for each click type.
I was thinking of a way to define a word without have to lose my current study click settings for ctrl-click and alt-ctrl-click. Something that would work in any window - Bible, commentary, or book without losing the current book location. (The back arrow works to return to the current book location in any case.)

Whatever you do is fine. Using the topic guide for double clicking a word works. It's not as convenient as a dictionary lookup to a clone panel.

Is alt-click a possibility for study click?

Is alt-click a possibility for study click?

Maybe. I will have to give this some thought. The amount of options in StudyClick is already pretty intimidating for many users. :) Adding a third combination could be too much.
You mentioned the Topic Guide. I have been thinking of adding an entry view to the topic guide so that you could browse all of the entries without having to use the main panels. Sounds like this would be a possible way to get what you want without having to add more options in StudyClick or change your settings there....
You mentioned the Topic Guide. I have been thinking of adding an entry view to the topic guide so that you could browse all of the entries without having to use the main panels. Sounds like this would be a possible way to get what you want without having to add more options in StudyClick or change your settings there....

That sounds useful. Would the entry view act like a scrollable clone window, or would you click on the entry view to open a clone window or something else. No need to answer. Just thinking out loud.
