Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3 Released; Integrates with SwordSearcher

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
I've released Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3 today. [edit: this was released in 2012 and DBAP is no longer in active development]

  • This new version of DBAP adds integration for SwordSearcher. If you have SwordSearcher 5.3 or later installed, Daily Bible and Prayer can open verses inside of SwordSearcher for extended study. SwordSearcher integration features are only available when SwordSearcher is also installed on your computer.

    This simple integration lets you use Daily Bible and Prayer to create reading plans and read the text without distractions, but also gives you the power to begin an in-depth study on any verse instantly in SwordSearcher.

  • Daily Bible and Prayer is now freeware. After considering this for a while I decided that I would like to provide DBAP as a lightweight, free program that anyone can use without restrictions or limitations for their daily walk. Of course, it is hoped that people who start using Daily Bible and Prayer may consider buying SwordSearcher for their more "in depth" study times. And, with this new integration support, perhaps SwordSearcher users will also find additional value in using Daily Bible and Prayer as well.

    (In anticipation of this, I stopped promoting Daily Bible and Prayer on the SwordSearcher website earlier this year.)
For more information on Daily Bible and Prayer see the DBAP website. Download it here.

Just for clarification:

  • Daily Bible and Prayer and SwordSearcher are two different programs from the same author (yours truly :) ).
  • Daily Bible and Prayer does not offer any Bible searching, topical tools, or any other library study functions. That is what SwordSearcher is for.
  • Daily Bible and Prayer is for doing daily Bible reading plans (including custom plan schedules) and prayer tracking. It also includes the Faith's Checkbook devotional.
  • Make no mistake about it; DBAP becoming freeware does not in any way indicate a change in SwordSearcher development! SwordSearcher is still my passion and will still be continually developed (and sold) for the foreseeable future.
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Thanks Brandon! This is awesome! I thank God for you brother!
This is absolutely wonderful. I love clicking on a verse and it opens it up in SwordSearcher.

Thank you doesn't seem like enough, does it, but I do, Brandon. You are such a blessing to us.


Some brothers an sisters have been witnesses of "MY panic episode" few days back...
Well after RE-loading all my data for SS8, (with EXTREME GREAT help from Mr. Stagg and also from marty.), I RE-loaded also; DBAP. (Daily Bible and Prayer.)

I kinda stop using it through "personal struggling", BUT now; I am back at it, and also, ...how good it is to "SEE" and look back then, and now, INDEED, what the LORD has done, for me and to me !!!!( I look at this like God Himself would send me a wink ;), saying; See Johnny!?!? I AM !!!)
All I can say now, is that DBAP is locked and loaded in my laptop..... and guess what ??? :
It is backed up in 3 different places now... who knew???:rolleyes: Loll.

May the LORD Bless Ya'all.!!!!!:D
Well done as always, thank you.
Interesting to see this pop up again. :) Since adding the reading plan system to SwordSearcher, I haven't done any development on Daily Bible and Prayer. It's free, and I'm glad to see it is still found to be useful and helpful.
Interesting to see this pop up again. :) Since adding the reading plan system to SwordSearcher, I haven't done any development on Daily Bible and Prayer. It's free, and I'm glad to see it is still found to be useful and helpful.
I like the prayer tracker. I like that I can Ctrl Alt V verses into the prayers. Pretty cool, Brandon!
I've released Daily Bible and Prayer 2.3 today.

  • This new version of DBAP adds integration for SwordSearcher. If you have SwordSearcher 5.3 or later installed, Daily Bible and Prayer can open verses inside of SwordSearcher for extended study. SwordSearcher integration features are only available when SwordSearcher is also installed on your computer.

    This simple integration lets you use Daily Bible and Prayer to create reading plans and read the text without distractions, but also gives you the power to begin an in-depth study on any verse instantly in SwordSearcher.

  • Daily Bible and Prayer is now freeware. After considering this for a while I decided that I would like to provide DBAP as a lightweight, free program that anyone can use without restrictions or limitations for their daily walk. Of course, it is hoped that people who start using Daily Bible and Prayer may consider buying SwordSearcher for their more "in depth" study times. And, with this new integration support, perhaps SwordSearcher users will also find additional value in using Daily Bible and Prayer as well.

    (In anticipation of this, I stopped promoting Daily Bible and Prayer on the SwordSearcher website earlier this year.)
For more information on Daily Bible and Prayer see the DBAP website. Download it here.

Just for clarification:

  • Daily Bible and Prayer and SwordSearcher are two different programs from the same author (yours truly :) ).
  • Daily Bible and Prayer does not offer any Bible searching, topical tools, or any other library study functions. That is what SwordSearcher is for.
  • Daily Bible and Prayer is for doing daily Bible reading plans (including custom plan schedules) and prayer tracking. It also includes the Faith's Checkbook devotional.
  • Make no mistake about it; DBAP becoming freeware does not in any way indicate a change in SwordSearcher development! SwordSearcher is still my passion and will still be continually developed (and sold) for the foreseeable future.
Can I use this on my iPad? I have the iPad version of Swordsearcher
Can I use this on my iPad? I have the iPad version of Swordsearcher

No, DBAP and SwordSearcher are PC applications.

There is no version of SwordSearcher that an iPad can run. You must be using something else.
Interesting to see this pop up again. :) Since adding the reading plan system to SwordSearcher, I haven't done any development on Daily Bible and Prayer. It's free, and I'm glad to see it is still found to be useful and helpful.

Yes , I know what you mean.... BUT, that DBAP, still holds my first prayers from when it came out. This being said; and like i said in my first post in that topic, I see what GOD, The LORD Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, have done "to" me, and "FOR" me..... there is no need to post them all, all I can say, it is ALL ABOUT HIS faithfulness. SS8/DBAP, and all the tools you have created Sir (Mr. Stagg), brings out our mind. It is like "the missing link" between the LORD, and me.
Like they used to tell me in the navy: "ignorance won't be an excuse !!!"
The only downside with SS8; it makes me drink a lot of coffee. I do not have enough time to read all...?☕?☕?☕?
One more time Sir, may the LORD Almighty Bless you, and all you family.

Yes , I know what you mean.... BUT, that DBAP, still holds my first prayers from when it came out.

This is neat. Thanks for sharing, Johnny!
Just a quick request, only if it wouldn't be much trouble.... in the DBAP, would it possible to have "font" size and "font" colors....?
( I would like that when I print them )
Just what is available on File, Settings.