Accessing SS online?


Beta Tester

Have you ever thought of placing a working edition of SS online so others could give it a trial run?

Even the limited version?

Sort of like how some of the Bible study sites are set up?

I don't know if you could actually do this, but have you ever thought about doing it?

Or too difficult, or costly?

Just curious.
It's not a feasible project. SwordSearcher is highly optimized as a desktop application. Too much data is involved, and too many features would have to be removed, for it to still be called "SwordSearcher" and be a web-based application.
Brandon Staggs said:
It's not a feasible project. SwordSearcher is highly optimized as a desktop application. Too much data is involved, and too many features would have to be removed, for it to still be called "SwordSearcher" and be a web-based application.

As I hope I indicated in my first post, that's also understandable.

But it is too bad. I do think it would be a useful thing to have online.

And I don't mean to push the issue, but I'm still curious: you couldn't even do that with the "trial version?"
PastorTim said:
And I don't mean to push the issue, but I'm still curious: you couldn't even do that with the "trial version?"

Not really. There are significant differences between web and desktop application development. The salient features of SwordSearcher wouldn't translate well into a web-driven interface.
The first place I learned about SS is as a shareware on ZDNET downloads.

After downloading the shareware I was hooked.

After downloading the shareware I was hooked.

It's always nice to hear how someone learned about SwordSearcher. I will of course continue to offer an evaluation version for download. The trick is getting more people to take a few minutes out of their day to try it out and discover how helpful it can be. :)
I believe I am like Dale. I was looking for a good Bible Study program and I believe it was or ZDNet Download or even that I found it.

In fact I still have my original copy of SS 3.0.

Just looked over my old E-mail's and did order the Upgrade to 4.x back in 2002 via CCNow. That when Brandon was still living in Hawaii.

Anyway, thought I would add my post to let you know how and where I did find SS.

Thanks again...