
Johnny NL

Well-Known Member
Auto-hide: I'v been using that feature for many years, and the panel chosen for auto-hide, always showed up on the "right" edge, or the Left" edge. NOW, if I chose a panel to be auto-hide, and the Tab shows up at the bottom, which make that panel WAY too W I D E on my 48" monitor. --> I DID, (lolll) read my F1, but couldn't find my answer. Q: is there a way "to choose", where I want my (auto-hide)"Tab", ... left or right or bottom. ? ? ?
I love so much that feature.
_______A confuse "frenchman" ... again. loll ;)
You will need to re-dock the panel so that it is docked on the left, then it should hide to the left. It's not easily predictable, which is one reason why that feature is disabled by default and not really recommended. :)

You will need to re-dock the panel so that it is docked on the left, then it should hide to the left. It's not easily predictable, which is one reason why that feature is disabled by default and not really recommended. :)

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i do use it.... A lot...
and I love it Sir.
thanks for the fast response Sir.