Bug? Ctrl-H (highlighting by keyboard)


Beta Tester
I'm not sure this is a bug, but I wonder if it is. Or if it's not a programming bug, then perhaps it's just how I'm doing things. (I'm using

Problem: sometimes Ctrl-H does not apply the highlighting last used as it should.

When I've noticed this:
I have Preferences and Settings > Sync Options set such that Bonnell's Dictionary of Three Word Phrases is opened with a double click.

I double click a word. When I do that the Three Word Dict. opens to that word and the word is highlighted. However, if I use Ctrl-H, the word temporarily shows an underline then returns to its regular state. No highlighting "takes."

If I change the Sync Options to "Only Selects the Word", the Ctrl-H shortcut works fine.
When you use the option to open a dictionary from the double-click, the keyboard focus changes to the books panel, so the keyboard highlight command doesn't actually make it to the Bible panel.

The "temporary" underline is the StudyClick response to you holding down the CTRL key with the mouse pointer over the word.

To get the best of both worlds, I suggest using the "Only selects the word" option for the double-click, and use StudyClick so that CTRL+Clicking the word opens it in the dictionary you want. That will be a faster study flow and would allow you to use double-click to select the word for application of highlighting more efficiently.

You can see a StudyClick video in this thread.
Another way using your original setup would be to type alt-2 after double clicking a word. It would open the dictionary for that word entry and leave the word highlighted in the Bible window. The alt-2 would put the focus on the Bible panel so ctrl-h would highlight the word as you expected.
Since ctrl-h is used only for highlighting in the Bible, would it make sense to have the action for ctrl-h put the focus on the Bible window since that would alway be what a person would intend?
Since ctrl-h is used only for highlighting in the Bible, would it make sense to have the action for ctrl-h put the focus on the Bible window since that would alway be what a person would intend?

That might work, I'll add it to the list.
Ctrl-u would be a useful shortcut for Bible underlining in black (or a default color) independent of ctrl-h.