Current Verse in Bible Window


How about a current verse drop down in the bible window?

We have current book.
and current chapter.
Great question.

The reason there is no drop-down verse selector in the Bible panel is because the verses are already visible in the panel, and the number of mouse movements and clicks required to open and select an item from a drop-down is much greater than using a scroll wheel or the scroll bar in the panel. Also, the Bible panel toolbar already has more controls than any other panel.

If you need to go to a verse without using the scroll wheel on your mouse or the scroll bar (or pressing Page Down with the keyboard), you can click in the Go To Verse box and just type the verse number by itself and press enter. (When you only enter a number, the Go To Verse box assumes you want the verse in the currently visible chapter.)
Along this line of thinking - what about if you just type characters in the set [A-z,0-9] when the Bible window is active. It could activate the goto box and would be interpreted as a verse ref.

25 would take you to verse 25 of current chapter 2.1 would go to ch 2 verse 1, or joh 3.16 would go there?

That would save using the alt-g or F6 or mouse click.
I'll experiment with that. Thanks!