Faster Bible verse locator

I want to click/hold my mouse on the bible book selection box and have the books open (as they already do), then while still holding mouse hover it over the book I would like to open (which it already does), at this point have the chapter numbers pop-up a couple mili seconds later (which would be a new feature), and while still holding the mouse down have the verse numbers pop-up for each chapter as it is hovered over (another new feature), and then when I release the mouse button have this location open as an active verse (another new feature). The ability to turn this feature or portions thereof on/off might be desirable for some. Finding the mouse focus and clicking on each choice seems a slow process for me. If there are already settings to improve this please let me know where to find them. To me, this would be like turning three searches into one search. Search book, then search chapter, then search verse, then set active.
Thank you for your suggestion.

I have to ask, have you considered typing the reference you want instead? In my experience this is always fastest. Depending on where the keyboard focus is, you can usually just start typing and the focus will go to the main search box. If you just type

ge 1.10

and Enter, the default action is to go to Genesis 1:10.

Personally I don't think any method using the mouse could be faster than this. However, I will keep in mind the request for a further-optimized book-chapter-verse entry method.
What! New tricks! I'm an old dog, Brandon. sighhhhh
Seriously, it never crossed my mind to try that. I will give it serious consideration.
I really love my SwordSearcher and appreciate all your labors very much.
@Brandon Staggs - As Brandon knows, I'm a big fan of the keyboard shortcuts.

F6 takes you directly to the "go to verse" feature. Very fast also.

There are MANY good keyboard shortcuts to SwordSearcher.
Here some: F1-Apendix-keyboard shortcuts

Appendix: Keyboard Shortcuts
Here is a list of the keyboard shortcuts SwordSearcher's main user interface responds to. This is not a comprehensive list of SwordSearcher's functions, just a list of keyboard shortcuts for functions that have keyboard shortcuts.

"Edit" commands:

•Ctrl+C: Copy selected text

•F5: Copy verse(s) to clipboard

•F7: Copy all verses from Verse List panel

•Shift+F7: Copy all references from Verse List panel

•F8: Copy all verses from Bible panel

•Ctrl+Alt+V: From another application, such as MS Word, opens the Copy Verses dialog in SwordSearcher and automatically pastes the selected verse reference.

"Search" commands:

•F2: Search Bible dialog

•F3: Quick Search in active Book

•F4: Quick Search in active Commentary

•Ctrl+F: Search text displayed in focused panel (does not search entire module)

•Alt+T: Open Topic and Verse Guide

•Alt+L: Full Library Search dialog

•Ctrl+F2: Open English-Strong's Indexer

•Shift+F2: Open Quick Concordance

•Shift+Alt+T: Open Library Table of Contents tool

•Alt+F5: Open Scan Text for Verse References tool

•Alt+F2: Search KJV Words of Christ


Access bookmarks with Ctrl+#, where # is the number of the bookmark you want to go to. Press Ctrl+1 for bookmark number 1, or Ctrl+0 for bookmark number 10. Set bookmarks with Shift+Ctrl+# in the same manner.

"Library Tabs" commands:

•Alt+F11: Show all tabs

•Alt+F12: Show only selected tabs

"View and Layout" commands:

•F9: Close active Search Result panel

•Ctrl+F9: Close all open Search Result panels

•Ctrl+Alt+F9: Close all open Clone panels.

•F10: Show/Hide Bible panel

•F11: Show/Hide Book and Dictionary panel

•F12: Show/Hide Commentary Panel

•Alt+A: Restore layout and panel sizes

•Shift+F9: Maximize active Search Results panel

•Shift+F10: Maximize Bible panel

•Shift+F11: Maximize Book and Dictionary panel

•Shift+F12: Maximize Commentary panel

•Ctrl+]: Increase text display font sizes

•Ctrl+[: Decrease text display font sizes

•Ctrl++: Increase zoom level

•Ctrl+-: Decrease zoom level

•Ctrl+Alt+0: Reset zoom level to 100%

Bible Panel commands:

•Alt+PgDn: Next chapter

•Alt+PgUp: Previous chapter

•Alt+Down: Next verse (based on "active verse" as shown in Go To Verse toolbar)

•Alt+Up: Previous verse (based on "active verse" as shown in Go To Verse toolbar)

•Alt+F10: Toggle display of margin area

•Ctrl+Alt+F10: Set compare version for Bible panel.

•Ctrl+H: Apply default highlighting to selected text.

Set Keyboard Focus:

•F6 or Alt+G or Shift+F2: Set keyboard focus to Go To Verse and Search toolbar

•Alt+1: Set keyboard focus to Verse List panel

•Alt+2: Set keyboard focus to Bible panel

•Alt+3: Set keyboard focus to Book panel

•Alt+4: Set keyboard focus to Commentary panel

•Ctrl+Alt+1: Set focus to search results panel selector control.

oVerse lists: the module selection button; will respond to module shortcuts while focused.

oLibrary search results: the module selector tree. Module selector tree will respond to module shortcuts if it is focused.

•Ctrl+Alt+2: Set focus to Bible panel, no different from Alt+1 but reserving for future use.

•Ctrl+Alt+3: Set focus to Book panel entry selector control.

•Ctrl+Alt+4: Set focus to Commentary panel entry selector control.

•Alt+5: Set focus to editor (if editing)


•Ctrl+M: Select a module with the Module Selection Tool

•Ctrl+F10: Select Bible module with Module Selection Tool

•Ctrl+F11: Select Book module with Module Selection Tool

•Ctrl+F12: Select Commentary module with Module Selection Tool

•Shift+F5: Display Verse(s) (loads user specified verses into a Verse List panel)

•F1: Open help file

•Alt+F1: Open Preferences Dialog.

•Shift+Ctrl+A: Open Configure Audio Bibles Dialog.

•Shift+Ctrl+F10: Next Bible version tab

•Shift+Ctrl+F11: Next highlighted Book tab

•Shift+Ctrl+F12: Next highlighted Commentary tab

•+/- (while focused on panel with highlighted search results showing): Cycle through highlighted search results

•Alt+F4: Exit SwordSearcher

•Ctrl+Alt+F4: Exit SwordSearcher without saving layout (used for troubleshooting purposes)

•Alt+Up/Down: Decrements/Increments active Bible panel verse and performs "Go To Verse" events.

•Alt+Left/Right: Navigate the back/forward history list in the focused panel.

•Pause/Ctrl+Space: Pause/Resume Bible audio playback, or start Bible panel chapter playback.

•Shift+Alt+N: New Entry (for user book module).

•Shift+Alt+B: Edit current book entry (for user book).

•Shift+Alt+C: Edit current commentary entry (for user commentary).

•Ctrl+Alt+F12: Set the active verse from the commentary panel. (The currently displayed entry in the commentary panel becomes the active verse.)

•Alt+F9 (In Bible search results): Toggle between Concordance View and Full View.

Search Bible dialog: only when Search Bible dialog (F2) is open

•Alt+M: Manually enter search range.

•Alt+I: invokes module selection menu.

In the Editor:

•Shift+Ctrl+H: Invoke background color selection.

•Ctrl+Alt+H: Apply most recently selected background color to selection.

•Alt+D: Switch to Design editor.

•Alt+C: Switch to Code editor

•CTRL+T: Insert text for verse reference at cursor.
Yes, they are in the Help file.
Speaking of finding verses, do you think you could add having a space in between numbers being the same as a colon. Its a lot easier for me to write Joh 1 1 instead of Joh 1:1.
Speaking of finding verses, do you think you could add having a space in between numbers being the same as a colon. Its a lot easier for me to write Joh 1 1 instead of Joh 1:1.
You can use a period between chapter and verse, and capitalization is optional... - joh 1.1
Speaking of finding verses, do you think you could add having a space in between numbers being the same as a colon. Its a lot easier for me to write Joh 1 1 instead of Joh 1:1.
No, that would create significant ambiguity and create potential regressive bugs since a space has always been considered a chapter delimiter.

I recommend using a period. It is the same amount of keyboard work as the space bar. A colon works, of course, but a period is the fast way to type it.
Oh a period works? Always learning something new. Thank you
No, that would create significant ambiguity and create potential regressive bugs since a space has always been considered a chapter delimiter.

I recommend using a period. It is the same amount of keyboard work as the space bar. A colon works, of course, but a period is the fast way to type it.

Colon just annoyed me because I am not as familiar with that key and would hit the wrong one sometimes. Thank you :). Thank you Marty as well
Last edited:
Oh a period works? Always learning something new. Thank you

Colon just annoyed me because I am not as familiar with that key and would hit the wrong one sometimes. Thank you :). Thank you Marty as well
If your colon is really annoying you, you better see a doctor... 😜

Should I show myself out now?