Floating Bible Window


Beta Tester
In this configuration when I 2 click on the Bible window title bar to float it and then 2click again, it does not go back to the original configuration. It works properly for the book and commentary windows. See images below.

The commentary is docked in the Bible window.

The docking system can get confused in certain configurations. You might try re-creating the configuration, trying to put the windows in place in a different order, to see if that may change how it "replaces" the panels after they are undocked. There are different ways panels can be docked, such as "to the left" of one panel vs. "to the right" of the one next to it, or docked to the edge of the main window, etc. It is possible that just re-building your configuration with different docking targets may work.
Yes, that fixed it. I moved the Bible window to another dock position, and then moved it back. After that, it docked and undocked correctly.
Great! Thanks for letting me know.
I later noticed that now the Bible window works as expected, the commentary window acts wierd. It seems like when 2 are docked in the same window, one will be OK and the other will not maintain it's position. Oh well, ctrl-a saves the day.