

Beta Tester
I tried to highlight the repeating phrase selection below including the leading comma.

It highlighted all the way to the beginning of the verse:

It works if the highlighting starts with "Ye". I intended to include the comma since that is part of the repeat. It's probably the design that highlighting starts with a word.
The highlighting data is word-based, yes. It shouldn't have moved to the beginning of the sentence, though. I'll make a note of it.
I do experience this action also, here and there.
It would be nice to have the final question mark highlighted as well...
I wonder why the spaces does not highlight?

Probably the change from red. I've got this logged as a bug report. Thanks.
Not wanting to hijack a thread, but is there a setting so that when I highlight in one translation it will show up in subsequent translations I view?
Indeed, it would be really nice, if that the "Highlights" would follow around, in all versions.
As for me, I use "side by side"Bible version with my KJV, to see which Highlights are set in my KJV/other version.
I have a lot of wishes for the highlights system and am just waiting for the subject to come to a front burner. I used to keep a wish list, but don't know what happened to it so I'll have to start another! Maybe I'll make it into a book module so I won't lose it again. :)
I don't see how a highlight in one translation could carry over into another. They have different word counts, different words, different word orders, etc. In the case of different languages, the differences are so stark...
I have a lot of wishes for the highlights system and am just waiting for the subject to come to a front burner. I used to keep a wish list, but don't know what happened to it so I'll have to start another! Maybe I'll make it into a book module so I won't lose it again. :)
I am "Extremely" visual... my "Highlights" are my quick to go for fast reference.
I love my Highlights, I couldn't go in S/S8 without them. But, yes, if I could see them in KJV-TSK, it would be awesome.
I know I can RE-write them in KJV-TSK, but then I would have to keep up with two Bible version, which to me could occur in many mistakes.
I don't see how a highlight in one translation could carry over into another. They have different word counts, different words, different word orders, etc. In the case of different languages, the differences are so stark...
I know Sir....
we're just dreaming out loud here....lolll
I don't see how a highlight in one translation could carry over into another. They have different word counts, different words, different word orders, etc. In the case of different languages, the differences are so stark...
I'm a dunce when it comes to programming but I noticed Olivetree somehow pulled it off. Maybe through verse by verse based rather than by language?
...As a matter of fact it only works on whole verses.
My main wish for highlighting is a symbol to highlight omissions.

The thread is here: https://forums.swordsearcher.com/threads/minor-highlighting-enhancement.2595/

My wish was this:
"Of all the things I'd like to see in SwordSearcher, this highlighting enhancement probably is the one that I miss the most. I'd love to be able to insert something like this ⊥ ("up tack") or this ⊤ ("down tack") where a given translation is missing something. (I found them in math symbols and have no clue what they mean to mathematicians.) I think the "up tack" is better since there is no letter like it. The "down tack" looks too much like the letter "T"."

Probably I showed my ignorance of programming by calling it a "minor" highlighting enhancement :)

Bill (wsbones) had a better suggestion: insertion of a footnote marker to a user note. That'd be great, too.
..As a matter of fact it only works on whole verses.

Ah, yes, if I were to remove the ability to highlight at a word level, then it would be very easy to have it go across all Bible modules.
Ah, yes, if I were to remove the ability to highlight at a word level, then it would be very easy to have it go across all Bible modules.
I like being able to highlight just part of a verse. Some verses contain warnings and promises together and I highlight warnings in red and promises in green. Sometimes a verse will include an attribute of God, Jesus or Holy Spirit and I highlight just that part in Their particular colors. I'd like to be able to see all my highlighted verses as a unit and manipulate it - kind of like Word Trees. I'd like to be able to 'assign' the colors (have a key), and even choose their intensity when I'm highlighting (some of the darker colors are so bold that when I use them they make the text look redacted instead of highlighted).
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Ah, yes, if I were to remove the ability to highlight at a word level, then it would be very easy to have it go across all Bible modules.

Highlighting would be nearly worthless to me without the ability to highlight only portions of the verse. Actually, I wish I could highlight even punctuation separately :), but as I think of the work involved, I'm sure it's a non-starter.
To be fair to the 'other' platform, it also lets you highlight just part of a verse but it won't carry over to other translations.