Added! John Trapp Commentary


Active Member

I could not find this commentary for SwordSearcher anywhere. If anyone knows where it is, please let me know.

In the meantime I am working on putting it into SwordSearcher. I got it from

I tried to use Forge to bring it in but the Hebrew and Greek words would not do right for me. So, I am copying and pasting them verse by verse into SwordSearcher and it is looking good IMO. The best way I have found is to bring the Kindle eBook into Calibre and copying from Calibre into MS Word and from MS Word directly into SwordSearcher.

Since Forge removes all formatting when using it and uses HTML tags and I could not figure what tag to use for Hebrew and Greek words, it just does not do the work for me. I used a little program that came with Theophilos to tag the bold and italic words but the Greek and Hebrew tags that Scribe provided did not work for me.

Anyone have any suggestions for me in formatting the Greek and Hebrew words for Forge?

Forge supports Unicode text, so you would not need to use any special tags at all, unless the source of your text is not in Unicode, in which case you would have to figure out what font they are using to display their Greek/Hebrew text and make sure all of those words are wrapped in appropriate HTML.

More information on Unicode here:
I've finally gotten it!

With your information, Brandon, and a little research inside MS Word 2010, I got it going.

Now, instead of taking perhaps 5 weeks to finish this work, maybe I can do it in 1.

Thanks a million (and a half) :)

IMHO, there is no program like SwordSearcher & I think using Forge is going to be a great asset now that I've got it going.

You're a life-saver. :)

Thanks for all the kind words. :)