Josiah Blake Tidwell - 2 Books


Beta Tester
A while ago I posted The Bible, Book by Book. This link contains that book and a second book in a zip file. (TidPBP.ssbook and TidBBB.ssbook)

The Bible, Book by Book and The Bible Period by
by J.B. TIDWELL, A.M., D.D. Professor of Biblical Literature, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 1916.

From a dispensational viewpoint one book is a summary of each book of the Bible, and the second book is a summary of each major period in Bible history.
Thank you very much Bill :)

Is The Bible, Book by Book still up. I`m getting a page not found message when I click the link?
Thanks Bill I too was having problems downloading but didnt like to say.
Working good now.
I see the problem in the original post. There are actually 2 links that look like one. If you click on the 2nd part, you get the file. If you click on the first part you get the error message. I thought I deleted the original link to the 1st book when I replaced it with a link to the zip file containing both books. I guess not.

Oh well.
I fixed the link.