Notice about duplicated material offered by third parties.

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Brandon Staggs

Staff member
I'm sorry I had to do this, but I had to remove a user and a thread for repeatedly posting duplicated content from the SwordSearcher library as "free modules" from a third party source. This user was warned on multiple occasions not to do this.

Please do not post modules that are simply copies of what comes in the SwordSearcher library. It creates duplication and confusion in the software, additional technical support burden in diagnosing issues, and also reduces incentive for users to upgrade their library and support SwordSearcher.

The complete library is listed here: and of course can easily be seen inside SwordSearcher just by opening any of the many methods for selecting modules in the software.

(Again, the user who was removed had been warned not to do this in the past. It is not my first choice to remove a user from the forum, that is always a last resort.)
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