Search for italicized words – how


Beta Tester
I want to find all verses in the NT that have the Greek word "eis" in them (G1519) and any word in italics. I'm specifically looking for cases where the KJV supplies purpose / intent / objective words for "eis" as it does with "execute" in Rom 13:4 (2nd instance of "eis").

Just looking to see if I could find italicized words, I tried \[[a-z][A-Z]\] in the RegEx search (which I don't really know how to use, obviously), thinking that with the backslashes I was escaping the opening and closing brackets. I guess I need to somehow show the beginning and end of a word or that the letters I put in can repeat. Any advice?
I might be wrong but I don't think you can search for italics in SS. The bracket is not part of the searchable text. I have a plain text AV New Testament with italics demarked by <i>...</i>. You could use any text editor to find <i if you want. It's a zip file here ->

I'll leave it there for a few days if you are interested.
Thanks, Bill. I downloaded it, and I'll see if I can find what I want. The problem is that I need a tagged text with italics so I can find the underlying Greek word and some added text. Then I'll have to sort them manually to see in which cases italicized word(s) actually are associated logically with the εις.
The Character String Search and RegEx Search options both allow you to search italics by converting them to brackets:


But the problem is that neither of those search options can be combined with Greek or Hebrew lexicon link searches.
Eric, what you could do to make your search faster is this:

1. Do a regular greek link search for g1519 (1513 verses).
2. Go to Copy/Export Formatting and add the italics in brackets option so that italicized words are in brackets when you copy them to the clipboard.
3. Go to the Edit menu and select Copy all verses from verse list.
4. Paste into a plain text editor.

That will get all your search results into a verse-per-line format with italics as brackets. You'll have to use some external means of searching per-line for what you want there, but it will narrow it down pretty fast.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think that the italics in the King James Bible actually have an underlying Greek word. Many, but not all, use of italics will show a word that has been included into the new Testament when quoted from the Old Testament that actually contains the word. There are plenty of examples of this. Sometimes the use of italics to notes added words to clarify meaning as in the brother of Goliath.

Cheers for now
Italic words in the King James indicate they were supplied by the translators. In almost every case these words are supplied to complete the translation. The one exception that comes to mind is 1Jo 2:23, where the text of the second half of the verse was well known to belong in the Bible but apparently was lacking manuscript evidence at the time, so it was italicized.
Is there a way to generate a complete listing of supplied (italicized) words? Perhaps two lists = OT & NT? I tried the option Brandon provided previously, but it requires entering a known word and looking for it in italics, by bracketing the word you are looking for. It is my understanding that there are 1880 (+/-) supplied words, but i have no way of generating a list that provides these by book, chapter and verse. I would like to be able to apply the search to the KJV1611 text that is supplied in Swordsearcher; and to the 1769 Blayney Text which identifed many more that the KJB Translators (supposedly) ignored or failed to identify according to Schrivener, and later Cambell, Norton, et al. You help is appreciated!
I might be wrong but I don't think you can search for italics in SS. The bracket is not part of the searchable text. I have a plain text AV New Testament with italics demarked by <i>...</i>. You could use any text editor to find <i if you want. It's a zip file here ->

I'll leave it there for a few days if you are interested.
Hi Bill,
Would you please make your NT list available again - or send me a link to it as it is no longer available. Regards, Jonathan

There is no automated way to generate a complete list of italicized words. What you want to do goes a bit beyond searching. It would be possible to do a RegEx search that highlights italicized words, but I don't think that would be very helpful. It wouldn't be hard for me to make such a list when I have the time, but exactly how do you want the words listed? Since so many of the words appear both italicized and non-italic, just a raw list doesn't seem like it would be very useful.

There is no automated way to generate a complete list of italicized words. What you want to do goes a bit beyond searching. It would be possible to do a RegEx search that highlights italicized words, but I don't think that would be very helpful. It wouldn't be hard for me to make such a list when I have the time, but exactly how do you want the words listed? Since so many of the words appear both italicized and non-italic, just a raw list doesn't seem like it would be very useful.
Thank you for the quick response Brandon. A little background perhaps would be helpful as to the ask. There are the typical objections KJB critics air around the italicized words, and these are easily refuted by the Bible believer. There are proof texts where the OT italicized words (Deut. 8:4) for example are quoted by The Lord Jesus Christ in Matt. 4:4 in non-italicized, etc. There are also extant examples where (in the absence of a Hebrew or Greek word) the translators (starting with the Geneva) supplied the article or preposition, conjunction, etc. which were not necessary in those languages but are required for English speakers. If you would generate for me the raw listing that you proposed, by Book, chapter, and verse that would be most helpful. I am not asking you to make any changes to Swordsearcher. If you can run the list from your SS KJV1611 text, and another from your SS KJV Text when it is convenient for you, I will do the digging and generate the comparative listings.
If you would generate for me the raw listing that you proposed, by Book, chapter, and verse that would be most helpful.

Please clarify. Do you want a list where each line is a verse with everything except the italicizes words removed?
This doesn't have the italicized (well, Roman-typeface in the case of the 1611 edition) words marked. I just don't have that data.
Oh, ok - looks like this would be a good comparison to build. sounds like another project for me to work on! I could do that with the electronic text you have but would prefer to do it in Roman type to differentiate and minimize these words as was the intent of the translators; vs what Blaney did with italics which drew attention to them.
Well, I don't know if this will help you, but I went ahead and did an output that lists all of the 31,102 verse references. Under each one, if there is any, is a list of the italicized strings of each verse. Offered as-is in hope that it will help you in some way.


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Well, I don't know if this will help you, but I went ahead and did an output that lists all of the 31,102 verse references. Under each one, if there is any, is a list of the italicized strings of each verse. Offered as-is in hope that it will help you in some way.
Thank you for taking the time Brandon. If there is any output from this exercise that i think may be of interest to you I will send it your way. Thanks again.