Spurgeons Expository Notes (finished)


Active Member
Although it is not perfect and I did a lot of corrections in it and got it down to 4 modules in SwordSearcher, I am ready to share it with anyone who wants it. Maybe MarkO (or whatever his name is) will take it now and soup it up and make it look good. Some of the comments on some texts were so many that some verses would certainly be humongerous and some are even when compacted into 4 modules. If anyone gets it from me and uses it and has any good suggestions, please let me know. I may do a little more about separating the comment from the verse on some I noticed in Psalms last night (and perhaps in other places). It was such a time demanding project that I know I am bound to have a lot more errors in it than I realize. But, OH, the copying and pasting and re-copying and re-pasting! I have never worked on anything nearly as much time demanding for a SwordSearcher module.
Although it is not perfect and I did a lot of corrections in it and got it down to 4 modules in SwordSearcher, I am ready to share it with anyone who wants it. Maybe MarkO (or whatever his name is) will take it now and soup it up and make it look good. Some of the comments on some texts were so many that some verses would certainly be humongerous and some are even when compacted into 4 modules. If anyone gets it from me and uses it and has any good suggestions, please let me know. I may do a little more about separating the comment from the verse on some I noticed in Psalms last night (and perhaps in other places). It was such a time demanding project that I know I am bound to have a lot more errors in it than I realize. But, OH, the copying and pasting and re-copying and re-pasting! I have never worked on anything nearly as much time demanding for a SwordSearcher module.
Well, in working on it further today, I have discovered other things in my effort to bring it together and try to get it all in just one module. In doing so, my plans are to put all comments together pertaining to the beginning of the verse, all together for the main part of the bible text, and all together for the ending parts of the verse, and all together if the comment is concerning the verse and a continuation into a following verse or verses. Then, after I do these things, I can eliminate repeats of the portion of the verse, etc. and change the background color so people will know that the comments inside that portion are concerning the same portion of the text.
So, my friends, hang around another 15 or 20 years and maybe I will have this all done if I can live to be 92 or more. :) Never know, I might.

Anyway, although I am not yet ready to publish the module(s) to SwordSearcher for downloading, I will be glad to get it NOW to anyone who would care to check it out, offer comments to me, and get updates to them from time to time as anyone might want to get it again. That would not be difficult IMO and would take but very little time to do. SO, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT IT NOW.
Thank you for the work and offering to share. I, also would be interested in this.