Strong's Links thought


The Strong's Links are a tremendous feature. For study purposes, it is good to know: Mood, Tense and Voice. Not sure if there is a possibility of adding this to the Links in an updated version? This is included in BibleWorks searcher, which I have, but find SS to be much more user friendly; however, I do find myself going back and forth for some added detail in my study such as mood, voice and tense.

Without trying to overcomplicate the Strong's Links, I find that The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, which includes Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary is a tremendous tool. Not sure if this would be considered in an updated version.

Any thoughts or comments?
I don't have plans at this time to add tense/voice/mood data to SwordSearcher.
I don't have plans at this time to add tense/voice/mood data to SwordSearcher.

Vines would be a great addition, if you are ever in a position to be able to add it.

So would something that provides TVM data.

Just wish list items, my brother.
I don't have plans at this time to add tense/voice/mood data to SwordSearcher.

I also would love to see Tense / Voice / Mood | Gender / Number / Case data (and similar for OT) . Implementation is probably costly, though. I think the actual data is publicaly available without copyright cost now, at least for the NT. There are interpretational issues, though, so I think if it ever were added that it would be very wise to allow user-overrides of provided TVM data. What I'd envision would be the provided data being presented, but clickable and changeable by the user. The user-supplied data would be in a different color and hovering over it would show the original provided data. I think it would really be useful if there were a provision to allow linked notes as to why one disagreed with the provided data that would also show up when one hovers over the data.