SwordSearcher 8.3 Released, 25th Anniversary!

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
SwordSearcher 8.3 is now available.

In addition to some great new library content, the big update in this release is enhanced Audio Bible support. There are now several narrations supported by SwordSearcher's audio Bible integration and you may link in as many audio Bibles as you have on your hard drive.

If you're a SwordSearcher user already, go here for your upgrade.

As I post this, it just occurred to me that this year marks the 25th anniversary of SwordSearcher's original release under the name Bible Assistant way back in 1994. A big thank you to everyone who has been using and supporting this work! It is an honor to be able to do this!!

What's New in SwordSearcher 8.3
Q2 2019

New Library Modules:

  • James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary [Nisbet] (12 Vols, 1908)
  • Handfuls on Purpose [Handfuls] (James Smith and Robert Lee, 13 volumes, 1943)
  • The Essential Works of A. W. Tozer [AWTozer]
    (Nine books from the life and ministry of A. W. Tozer, 1897-1963)
    One combined SwordSearcher book module:
    • Christ, The Eternal Son
    • Jesus is Victor
    • Jesus, Author of Our Faith
    • Jesus, Our Man in Glory
    • Knowledge of the Holy
    • Man, The Dwelling Place of God
    • That Incredible Christian
    • The Pursuit of God
    • The Root of the Righteous
New and enhanced Audio Bible Support:

  • SwordSearcher has supported the integration of an audio Bible for several years, but this functionality has been significantly enhanced for SwordSearcher 8.3.
  • The following Audio Bibles are now supported with verse-level synchronization and playback and can be directly played from the Bible panel and Verse List panels:
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, AMG Publishers.
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, Hendrickson Publishers.
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, Scourby.com (non-dramatized mp3 edition only)
    • Max McLean's Listener's Bible, KJV, Fellowship for Performing Arts.
    • David Cochran Heath, KJV, ChristianAudio.
    • Paul Mims, KJV, AudioBible.com.
    • Dan Wagner, KJV, Talking Bibles International.
    • Faith Comes By Hearing Dramatized KJV.
    • Stephen Johnson, KJV, Firefighters.org.
    • Note that SwordSearcher does not come with an audio Bible. You may integrate any of the above audio Bibles into SwordSearcher once you have obtained them from their publishers or retailers. Please see the audio Bible page on the website for a complete list of supported audio Bibles and where you can obtain them.
  • You may now configure an unlimited number of audio Bibles at the same time. Switching between integrated audio Bibles is easy and done with a simple selection in a list.
  • Audio playback speed can be adjusted to make it slower or faster based on listening preference.
  • The core audio system has been replaced and updated to work with a wider variety of source audio files.
  • Audio Bible configuration/selection is accessible on the main File menu or with Shift+Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut.
Other improvements and fixes:

  • Added visual feedback for clicking on a verse widget or margin link.
  • Word Trees now remove hyphens from hyphenated words. This allows Word Tree searches and links to work consistently regardless of hyphenation setting in Preferences.
  • Verse Guide panel will automatically rebuild its content after saving changes to a user module entry.
  • Improved parsing of hard-coded verse reference links in user module entries.
  • Fixed issues related to "Remove optional hyphenation" option.
  • Fixed some tab display issues that could occur after renaming or deleting user modules.
  • Fixed a condition where the user editor would not allow saving until more changes were made after switch to Design mode.
  • Fixed incorrect counts and ratios in Bible Search Result Info and Stats for Verse Match Count by Book.
  • Fixed: Renaming a user module could orphan its keyboard shortcut.
  • Fixed a condition where user module editor Insert Table dialog could get hidden behind the editor.
  • Other various minor fixes and optimizations.
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CONGRATULATIONS!!! 25 years, wow what an amazing achievement 🙌👏👏👍! May God continue to bless you and your work towards the furtherance of His Kingdom.
SwordSearcher 8.3 is now available.

In addition to some great new library content, the big update in this release is enhanced Audio Bible support. There are now several narrations supported by SwordSearcher's audio Bible integration and you may link in as many audio Bibles as you have on your hard drive.

If you're a SwordSearcher user already, go here for your upgrade.

As I post this, it just occurred to me that this year marks the 25th anniversary of SwordSearcher's original release under the name Bible Assistant way back in 1994. A big thank you to everyone who has been using and supporting this work! It is an honor to be able to do this!!

What's New in SwordSearcher 8.3
Q2 2019

New Library Modules:

  • James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary [Nisbet] (12 Vols, 1908)
  • Handfuls on Purpose [Handfuls] (James Smith and Robert Lee, 13 volumes, 1943)
  • The Essential Works of A. W. Tozer [AWTozer]
    (Nine books from the life and ministry of A. W. Tozer, 1897-1963)
    One combined SwordSearcher book module:
    • Christ, The Eternal Son
    • Jesus is Victor
    • Jesus, Author of Our Faith
    • Jesus, Our Man in Glory
    • Knowledge of the Holy
    • Man, The Dwelling Place of God
    • That Incredible Christian
    • The Pursuit of God
    • The Root of the Righteous
New and enhanced Audio Bible Support:

  • SwordSearcher has supported the integration of an audio Bible for several years, but this functionality has been significantly enhanced for SwordSearcher 8.3.
  • The following Audio Bibles are now supported with verse-level synchronization and playback and can be directly played from the Bible panel and Verse List panels:
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, AMG Publishers.
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, Hendrickson Publishers.
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, Scourby.com (non-dramatized mp3 edition only)
    • Max McLean's Listener's Bible, KJV, Fellowship for Performing Arts.
    • David Cochran Heath, KJV, ChristianAudio.
    • Paul Mims, KJV, AudioBible.com.
    • Dan Wagner, KJV, Talking Bibles International.
    • Faith Comes By Hearing Dramatized KJV.
    • Stephen Johnson, KJV, Firefighters.org.
    • Note that SwordSearcher does not come with an audio Bible. You may integrate any of the above audio Bibles into SwordSearcher once you have obtained them from their publishers or retailers. Please see the audio Bible page on the website for a complete list of supported audio Bibles and where you can obtain them.
  • You may now configure an unlimited number of audio Bibles at the same time. Switching between integrated audio Bibles is easy and done with a simple selection in a list.
  • Audio playback speed can be adjusted to make it slower or faster based on listening preference.
  • The core audio system has been replaced and updated to work with a wider variety of source audio files.
  • Audio Bible configuration/selection is accessible on the main File menu or with Shift+Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut.
Other improvements and fixes:

  • Added visual feedback for clicking on a verse widget or margin link.
  • Word Trees now remove hyphens from hyphenated words. This allows Word Tree searches and links to work consistently regardless of hyphenation setting in Preferences.
  • Verse Guide panel will automatically rebuild its content after saving changes to a user module entry.
  • Improved parsing of hard-coded verse reference links in user module entries.
  • Fixed issues related to "Remove optional hyphenation" option.
  • Fixed some tab display issues that could occur after renaming or deleting user modules.
  • Fixed a condition where the user editor would not allow saving until more changes were made after switch to Design mode.
  • Fixed incorrect counts and ratios in Bible Search Result Info and Stats for Verse Match Count by Book.
  • Fixed: Renaming a user module could orphan its keyboard shortcut.
  • Fixed a condition where user module editor Insert Table dialog could get hidden behind the editor.
  • Other various minor fixes and optimizations.
Thank you Brother.
This program and it's user modules are a blessing of immense proportions. Glad to be a consumer of it and a part of its community.
In Christ,
Bro Tommy
Congratulations on 25 years, Brandon! You've done a wonderful job to create such a versatile and useful tool for studying the Word of God!
Thank you so much brother! This program has helped me study the Bible so much, and is much more affordable than others on the market. Thank you for serving the Lord and making this program. God bless!
SwordSearcher 8.3 is now available.

In addition to some great new library content, the big update in this release is enhanced Audio Bible support. There are now several narrations supported by SwordSearcher's audio Bible integration and you may link in as many audio Bibles as you have on your hard drive.

If you're a SwordSearcher user already, go here for your upgrade.

As I post this, it just occurred to me that this year marks the 25th anniversary of SwordSearcher's original release under the name Bible Assistant way back in 1994. A big thank you to everyone who has been using and supporting this work! It is an honor to be able to do this!!

What's New in SwordSearcher 8.3
Q2 2019

New Library Modules:

  • James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary [Nisbet] (12 Vols, 1908)
  • Handfuls on Purpose [Handfuls] (James Smith and Robert Lee, 13 volumes, 1943)
  • The Essential Works of A. W. Tozer [AWTozer]
    (Nine books from the life and ministry of A. W. Tozer, 1897-1963)
    One combined SwordSearcher book module:
    • Christ, The Eternal Son
    • Jesus is Victor
    • Jesus, Author of Our Faith
    • Jesus, Our Man in Glory
    • Knowledge of the Holy
    • Man, The Dwelling Place of God
    • That Incredible Christian
    • The Pursuit of God
    • The Root of the Righteous
New and enhanced Audio Bible Support:

  • SwordSearcher has supported the integration of an audio Bible for several years, but this functionality has been significantly enhanced for SwordSearcher 8.3.
  • The following Audio Bibles are now supported with verse-level synchronization and playback and can be directly played from the Bible panel and Verse List panels:
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, AMG Publishers.
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, Hendrickson Publishers.
    • Alexander Scourby, KJV, Scourby.com (non-dramatized mp3 edition only)
    • Max McLean's Listener's Bible, KJV, Fellowship for Performing Arts.
    • David Cochran Heath, KJV, ChristianAudio.
    • Paul Mims, KJV, AudioBible.com.
    • Dan Wagner, KJV, Talking Bibles International.
    • Faith Comes By Hearing Dramatized KJV.
    • Stephen Johnson, KJV, Firefighters.org.
    • Note that SwordSearcher does not come with an audio Bible. You may integrate any of the above audio Bibles into SwordSearcher once you have obtained them from their publishers or retailers. Please see the audio Bible page on the website for a complete list of supported audio Bibles and where you can obtain them.
  • You may now configure an unlimited number of audio Bibles at the same time. Switching between integrated audio Bibles is easy and done with a simple selection in a list.
  • Audio playback speed can be adjusted to make it slower or faster based on listening preference.
  • The core audio system has been replaced and updated to work with a wider variety of source audio files.
  • Audio Bible configuration/selection is accessible on the main File menu or with Shift+Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut.
Other improvements and fixes:

  • Added visual feedback for clicking on a verse widget or margin link.
  • Word Trees now remove hyphens from hyphenated words. This allows Word Tree searches and links to work consistently regardless of hyphenation setting in Preferences.
  • Verse Guide panel will automatically rebuild its content after saving changes to a user module entry.
  • Improved parsing of hard-coded verse reference links in user module entries.
  • Fixed issues related to "Remove optional hyphenation" option.
  • Fixed some tab display issues that could occur after renaming or deleting user modules.
  • Fixed a condition where the user editor would not allow saving until more changes were made after switch to Design mode.
  • Fixed incorrect counts and ratios in Bible Search Result Info and Stats for Verse Match Count by Book.
  • Fixed: Renaming a user module could orphan its keyboard shortcut.
  • Fixed a condition where user module editor Insert Table dialog could get hidden behind the editor.
  • Other various minor fixes and optimizations.
I have version but do not have any of the new modules, do I have to purchase those ?
Congratulation's, that is quite an achievement for you and those that work with you. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you and yours.
I have version but do not have any of the new modules, do I have to purchase those ?

Please see the Upgrade FAQ. The easiest way to find out is to go to Help, Check for Updates. Please send an email to me at support@swordsearcher.com if you need me to look up your prior order history/etc and work anything out.
Please see the Upgrade FAQ. The easiest way to find out is to go to Help, Check for Updates. Please send an email to me at support@swordsearcher.com if you need me to look up your prior order history/etc and work anything out.
Thanks Brandon, got everything sorted out...my library wasn't up to date but my software was. You and the people on here are so helpful and I love this software and resources offered, again Thank You
Thank you for your 25 years of work. I am a new user and only know the current edition: it is amazing. In the past, I never liked any piece of Bible software enough to use it much. I preferred hardcopy books. I like technology when it works, but have little patience for buggy programs and technology that just isn't quite there yet. Your program is bug free and it IS there – FULLY.

I use my Windows laptop and my Mac side-by-side on the desk, a bookcase on my left, a small portable table on my right for hardcopy books, and my bed behind me for more hardcopybooks. I am literally surrounded 360 by resources, with SwordSearcher at the center and everything else as a supplement. When I am deep in study and someone knocks on the door, they just laugh at me. No one gets as excited about my new SwordSearcher library as I am, but that is okay. LOL. I know what a masterpiece it is.

Thank you and God bless you!
I still remember v.4 - "What God hath wrought!" (Num. 23:23)