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Included Word Clouds [WdClds] [Deluxe]
Wordle diagrams for each book of the Bible plus additional groups of books.

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Brandon Staggs submitted a new resource:

Word Clouds [WdClds] [Deluxe] - Wordle diagrams for each book of the Bible plus additional groups of books.

See the complete description on the SwordSearcher web site.

Bible Word Clouds is a unique book of Scripture visualization.
For each book and section of the Bible, a "Wordle" diagram (word cloud) is presented, each showing the top 100 words*. The size of the word in the diagram is proportional to the frequency of occurrence, so the more often a word appears, the larger it appears in the diagram.

Each word...

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Folder - WdClds-Assets Date created 11/7/2018
Book - WdClds.ss6book Date created 11/7/2018
Could you please tell me where this book belongs? MY Location: C:\Program Files\SwordSearcher\Modules
Should it be in my USERS folder? I know its part of original SS but never knew where it was located.
It's installed with the full version and should not be moved. It is an official module. You should never need to put anything in, or remove anything from, the Program Files SwordSearcher location.
That answers that question. Now the problem I created. When playing with the program I actually placed things inside both folders. And moved some back and forth. Question: Could I delete the Program folder (after making a copy of course), then re-install SwordSearcher to get a clean install of SwordSeacrher without affecting my USERS folder? This is my way of getting back to "clean install" the easy way. Am I close?

I feel comfortable with C:\Users\owass\OneDrive\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules. I use desktop at home and Laptop at church and on road, so far that works for me to have my files synced. Will eventually move away from OneDrive as well but for now this is working for me.
I'm reluctant to suggest anything since you aren't experiencing any actual problems and I don't really know what you did. That said, if you un-install SwordSearcher from the Windows control panel, it will only remove files that the setup program installed. It will not remove files you added manually or anything from your user folder. If you do that you could see what was "left over" and make decisions.
Do I use these setup files or get new from you?
I have saved these from my latest install or upgrade.
setup files.jpg
Did install, all is well in Sector 9 of SwordSearcher. Clean install clean folders. Now sorting out loose ends in user folder. Modules folder in Program now has 126 files it was """get ready for PANIC""".... 160. So you have directed me once again. Thank you sir.
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Funny you saw that number? 126 (files in SS Program) fresh install and mine was 160?