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User-submitted Linked Chart of Ussher's Chronology 2015-11-14
Click on Bible references or names of people to lookup in SwordSearcher

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Beta Tester
Thank you, Bill and Ruthlyn! :)
WOW! Wonderful work, it is very instructive data.... I love it Sir.
Be blessed and have a wonderful SS time !
Very, very nice Bill! Or as Johnny puts it WOW. Thanks much :)
I downloaded and it's in the "Books and Dictionaries Section" but all I see is a little black box with an X in it.

Anyway any help please and thanks both Ruthlyn & Bill, I did download the chart from Ruthlyn's link and it's real nice!
I downloaded and it's in the "Books and Dictionaries Section" but all I see is a little black box with an X in it.

Anyway any help please and thanks both Ruthlyn & Bill, I did download the chart from Ruthlyn's link and it's real nice!
Do you have a folder in your SS user directory called UssherChr-Assets. That's where the image should be. You need to unzip the zip file to your SS user directory. It should create the folder there. See pic below.
Do you have a folder in your SS user directory called UssherChr-Assets. That's where the image should be. You need to unzip the zip file to your SS user directory. It should create the folder there. See pic below.
View attachment 647
yup !! it did the same for me...NEED to bring (UssherChr-Assets) in your ss perfect !
Okay thanks a bunch Bill, will revisit this later and let you know