Module Sets & Visible Tabs?


Active Member
Through the years I have created so many modules that I have so many tabs that they are about the only thing that shows up when I attempt to go to any certain module as that module may be covering up the module I may be looking for.

So, I started experimenting with something new this morning - Module Sets. I think I have finally figured out just how to make only the tabs for any module set ONLY to appear. I just make it the control tab when I choose Tabs - Select Which Tabs To Show. That makes any other control tab which I had previously selected, not be the tabs that then show up.

My question is this: Is there a way to make a visible tab for each module set that I have created? I am not sure that question will make sense, but what I am asking, maybe in another way, is that if I have a Module Set 1, a Module Set 2, and a Module Set 3, etc., instead of going through the process of choosing which tabs to show, that I could just have a tab for Module Set 1, a tab for Module Set 2, a tab for Module Set 3, etc. so that when I want to switch to any of those that I just click on the one I want which would then bring up the tabs that I had set up for each of those?

Oh me! I have my serious doubts that I have made enough sense in my question(s) that anyone will figure out what I am saying. If not, maybe one of the people on the group who is a minister or sharp module maker and has a psychiatric degree of some kind can figure it out. :)

I think you explained it clearly, but I don't think there is a way to do that at present.
If you give your sets a descriptive name it makes it easier to know what is in the set. You can also use a shortcut to open the module set dialog
(Alt-uc) and then pick the set you want from the name. You can use the filter button to see what is in a set (red arrow)
Thanks much for your replies.

I have been working most of the day on a project to greatly lessen my tabs. I have been exporting a lot of modules for Forge. Then I go into my word processor and just put about 3 or so short letter code in front of each entry. For instance if the module is Calvin, I then go through the whole thing and mass change the $$ to $$ Cal. Thus far I have had no conflicts with one exported module having the same $$ number as any other book module - should not happen unless I made a mistake and named another entry or entries as $$ Cal for instance. Some exported modules are so large that sometimes it takes MS Word a while to digest it all, but it works eventually.

I'm just passing this information along in case anyone else has any wild ideas like I had during the night last night.

Thanks again,
p.s. Maybe Brandon can think it over to see if it is worth anything to make something like I suggested in the opening post of this thread about a new tab for the Module set instead of having to go through the tabs option at the top of SwordSearcher. It might not be worth it to anyone else or worth the time it would take for him to do it, even if he thought it was worth anything.
My question is this: Is there a way to make a visible tab for each module set that I have created?

Bill is correct that there is no "tab for a set of tabs" functionality. I would like to add a way to more quickly switch between module sets for visible tabs, but right now the fastest way is to just click the main tab button on the toolbar.

Bill is correct that there is no "tab for a set of tabs" functionality. I would like to add a way to more quickly switch between module sets for visible tabs, but right now the fastest way is to just click the main tab button on the toolbar.

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Thanks for pointing that out - I had never noticed that before. That's fast enough. Maybe if I live another 30 years I'll learn how to use SwordSearcher better. :)
