Dr. Thomas Constable Commentary


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Dr. Thomas Constable's Expository Notes - This module installer provides bookcase menu selector for the pdf note files for each book of the Bible. It includes a set of correctly named EMPTY pdf files so everything works. You will need to download the free pdf notes from his website at http://www.soniclight.com/constable/notes.htm and put them in place of the empties which are stored in the folder - c:\TCEN-Assets

See http://www.soniclight.com/constable/index.htm for some background on Dr. Constable.

These notes seem very good and thorough, and they are free to download for personal use.
Bill, I have used this set as PDF. Its a very large work. Thanks for the addin!

FYI, the work is keyed to the NASV 95, not KJV. It is useful however!
Bill, I have used this set as PDF. Its a very large work. Thanks for the addin!

FYI, the work is keyed to the NASV 95, not KJV. It is useful however!

His comments seem very good. I noticed that he used the NAS but I just use the KJV instead. It would be nice to be able to hover on a verse in the pdf file and see the KJV pop up. If there are many refs to check, I paste a portion into the SS scan tool.
Is he still living? I found an obit for someone named Thomas L. Constable but he was in New York I think.

His work is in several sites on the internet - I found one I know at https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/dcc.html

I suppose it is ok for us to format and use it in SwordSearcher for our own personal use. I prefer that, since his works cannot be searched in the pdf files anywhere nearly as well as in SwordSearcher. It is also in eSword but eSword is no match for SwordSearcher for searching IMO.

It just seems that we should be able to share it in these forums if we could get it worked up - perhaps by several of us.

Anyone got any thoughts on any of this? Brandon?

It would be best if permission could be granted to distribute it as an official SS module. Perhaps a licensing fee could be charged like the Sorenson module.

The 2012 edition seems to be free in E-Sword. Whereas, theWord software charges $34.95 (see https://www.thewordbooks.com/index.php/product/constable-notes/).

On the other hand one could copy all 66 html files and paste them into 66 topics in a user book. Many of the Bible references do not have a book reference preceding ch:vs so SS would not link them in the editor.
wsbones - In looking at the Constable notes on Genesis 2:3, I find the following:
"2. The day-age (or geologic day) theory. This view interprets the terminology less literally. Advocates argue that the events recorded seem to require more than 24-hour days (e.g., v. 12). They also point out that solar days may not have begun until the fourth day. Some advocates of this theory are theistic evolutionists."

If you have time, would you check on that v. 12 ??? - Genesis 2:12 just does not seen right, neither Exodus 20:12 as Exodus 20 was quoted in his previous paragraph.

wsbones - In looking at the Constable notes on Genesis 2:3, I find the following:
"2. The day-age (or geologic day) theory. This view interprets the terminology less literally. Advocates argue that the events recorded seem to require more than 24-hour days (e.g., v. 12). They also point out that solar days may not have begun until the fourth day. Some advocates of this theory are theistic evolutionists."

If you have time, would you check on that v. 12 ??? - Genesis 2:12 just does not seen right, neither Exodus 20:12 as Exodus 20 was quoted in his previous paragraph.

Hi Regie,
The (e.g., v. 12) is a little ambiguous. It probably refers to Ge 1.12 in these cases (not Ge 2.12 or Ex 20.12). He's discussing the Scripture section of Ge 1.1-2.3. If you pasted it into the Scan Tool, it probably made the wrong assumption about the predecessor book and chapter. Constable is probably referring "Advocates argue" that the time it takes for grass to grow and bring forth seed is more than 24 hours.

You have probably read this more carefully than most people :) Anyway the notes have to speak for themselves. They are very good for the most part.
Thanks much. I have been formatting these verses (every one of the verses formatted is a tremendous task) for my personal use. I like being able to have them pop-up when I mouse over them. I have done this for all of James and I am putting all the introductory things in a book module and all the verse comments in a commentary. Maybe someday, this can be a module for SwordSearcher if Brandon or someone can get permission to share it. In the meantime I have plans to just keep on formatting it all for my own personal use. I have asked for permission from Plano Bible Chapel, but have not heard from them. eSword uses an older version of his notes - maybe someday SwordSearcher can use the latest notes, but I think that would require approval from Dr. Constable for any of us to be able to share it in SwordSearcher. In the meanwhile I will just have to use it for my own personal use according to the copyright notice on their site.
wsbones - When I have doubts about something in the PDF of any of these Constable notes or find actual errors, should I post them here or send them to you via email or neither? My email is rrhodes773@comcast.net

For this once (until I hear from you) I think this text should be Job 1:4-31:
where God looks out at what he has just created for man and sees that 'it is good' (tob, 1:4-31). Through his dealings with the patriarchs and Joseph, God had continued to bring about his good plan. He had remained faithful to his purposes, and it is the point of this n
Actually, I can't do anything with corrections to Constable's material. The best thing would be to make a file as you go and then attach it to a posting here at some point. That way if someone is making a module, they can make the changes. There really shouldn't be too many errors in his notes since they have been around a long time, and they update them every years it seems.

I think the "tob" you mentioned is referring the the Hebrew word meaning "good". Constable refers to Gen 1:4-31 where God said things were good. Try doing a search in the Genesis commentary. He defines "tob" as "good" in the section on 41:25-36.

It's too bad Constable didn't put the book and chapter in from of every reference. It would have been a simple task to make a module.
Actually, I can't do anything with corrections to Constable's material. The best thing would be to make a file as you go and then attach it to a posting here at some point. That way if someone is making a module, they can make the changes. There really shouldn't be too many errors in his notes since they have been around a long time, and they update them every years it seems.

I think the "tob" you mentioned is referring the the Hebrew word meaning "good". Constable refers to Gen 1:4-31 where God said things were good. Try doing a search in the Genesis commentary. He defines "tob" as "good" in the section on 41:25-36.

It's too bad Constable didn't put the book and chapter in from of every reference. It would have been a simple task to make a module.
Thanks again. I had looked up Ge 1:4-31 and figured that was the right text to which he referred, but I turned around and forgot and thought that it would be a mistype for Job, not noticing very well that it does not even have 31 verses in it.

Yes sir, I knew that you could not correct their notes - I just thought you might want to correct it for your personal use (but then, there is nothing to correct) :)

Thanks much.