After The RAPTURE...!

Johnny NL

Well-Known Member
Mr. Staggs...
As I have many family members, friends, which are not Bible Believers, or not KJV Only; that maybe some of them, will be surely "left behind" !
I am throwing an idea, or something for a near future, ...(for the Rapture is imminent.)
Would it be possible, to have a "kinda" icon, beside the SwordSearcher one, that could be either , bigger, or blinking, for someone that will turn on my laptop, that would be "attracted" by it.
And in "that" icon / file, we could throw in all of our studies about, Rapture, Salvation, Scripture...ALL linked to SwordSearcher Notes/Topics. (Something easy, to click and access.)
( I did leave paper notes everywhere in my house, with SS references.) But I was just thinking of a "
Trigger" or something from my "laptop point of view", so they can access quickly "WHY" we are gone...
Let me know, if this is a good idea or not...
Thank you Sir,
Be Blessed.
You can't make a Windows icon blink or animate on the desktop. Maybe you could use some kind of to-do reminder/note program to do something like that? Just have it show every day?
You can't make a Windows icon blink or animate on the desktop. Maybe you could use some kind of to-do reminder/note program to do something like that? Just have it show every day?
How about taking a screenshot of your Rapture material and setting it as your desktop background?
Make a folder of rapture pictures and set it as your screensaver. After X minutes of inactivity, the picture show will start playing. To set it up, click the windows icon in the lower left corner of the taskbar and type screensaver. Then pick photo gallery and change the settings. Pick the folder where you stored your rapture pictures.