Best feature?


Beta Tester
So I thought it might be interesting if we shared individual features we like. It might be hard to say just one "Best" feature, because frankly I really appreciate much of what SwordSearcher provides to assist in my Bible study, lesson and sermon preparation.

But let me name one feature I think is outstanding: the Select Library Module feature.

When I am trying to find a book (usually a book, but you can also use the select feature to open a Bible or commentary), I use ctrl+f11. If I not quite sure of the name I can begin typing in what I think it is, and the program begins narrowing down the list. It's almost always helpful in finding a book.

How about you? Do you have a favorite feature? Please limit your post to one feature (but if you want to give a shout out to another, reply twice!). I will look forward to seeing the responses.
Hands down – extensibility. I can create foreign-language Bible modules (via Forge) and commentaries as much as I like, and all the search capabilities work exactly the same as they do for the ones that come with the program.
Honestly, besides the search capabilities, the copy and paste feature (and options) are by far my favorite. Believe it or not, the other Bible software I use (kinda been forced to...for various reasons over the years) has HORRIBLE options for copy/paste. When putting together sermons, this is invaluable to me!