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Around the Wicket Gate (Spurgeon) [chsGate] 1.0
"A friendly talk with seekers concerning faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."

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01. Preface
02. Awakening
03. Jesus Only
04. Faith in the Person of the Lord Jesus
05. Faith Very Simple
06. Fearing to Believe
07. Difficulty in the Way of Believing
08. A Helpful Survey
09. A Real Hindrance
10. On Raising Questions
11. Without Faith No Salvation
12. To Those Who Have Believed



"Enter ye in at the strait gate." — Mt 7:13

MILLIONS of men are in the outlying regions, far off from God and peace; for these we pray, and to these we give warning. But just now 'we have to do with a smaller company, who are not far from the kingdom, but have come right up to the wicket gate which stands at the head of the way of life. One would think that they would hasten to enter, for a free and open invitation is placed over the entrance, the porter waits to welcome them, and there is but this one way to eternal life. He that is most loaded seems the most likely to pass in and begin the heavenward journey; but what ails the other men?

This is what I want to find out. Poor fellows! they have-come a long way already to get where they are; and the King's highway, which they seek, is right before them-why do they not; take to the Pilgrim Road at once? Alas! they have a great many reasons; and foolish as those reasons are, it needs a very wise man to answer them all'.. I cannot pretend to do so. Only the Lord himself can remove the folly which is bound up in their hearts:, and lead them to take the great, decisive step. Yet the Lord works by means; and I have prepared this little book in the earnest hope that he may work by to the blessed end of leading seekers to an immediate, simple trust in the Lord Jesus.

He who does not take the step of faith, and so enter upon the road to heaven, will perish. It will be an awful thing to die just outside the gate of life. Almost saved, but altogether lost! This is the most terrible of positions. A man just outside Noah's ark would have been drowned; manslayer dose to the wall of the city of refuge, but yet outside of it, would slain; and the man who is within a yard of Christ, and yet has not trusted him, will be lost. Therefore am I in terrible earnest to get my hesitating friends over the threshold. Come in! Come in! is my pressing entreaty.. "Wherefore standest thou without?" is my solemn inquiry. May the Holy Spirit, render my pleadings effectual with many who shall glance at these pages! May he cause his own Almighty power to create faith in the soul at once!

My reader, if God blesses this book to you, do the writer this favor — either lend your own copy to one who is lingering at the gate, or buy another and give it away; for his great desire is that this little volume should be of service to many thousands of SOULS.

To God this book is commended; for without his', grace nothing will come of all that is written.

C. H. Spurgeon
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