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Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text (J. W. Burgon) [JBCorrupt] 1.0
The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels

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The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels

One of Burgon's books defending the Textus Receptus against textual critics.

Burgon, John William (1813-1888), B.D.

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Module contents:
Chapter I. General Corruption.
Chapter II. Accidental Causes of Corruption. I. Pure Accident.
Chapter III. Accidental Causes of Corruption. II. Homoeoteleuton.
Chapter IV. Accidental Causes of Corruption. III. From Writing in Unicals.
Chapter V. Accidental Causes of Corruption. IV. Itacism.
Chapter VI. Accidental Causes of Corruption. V. Liturgical Influence.
Chapter VII. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. I. Harmonistic Influence.
Chapter VIII. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. II. Assimilation.
Chapter IX. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. III. Attraction.
Chapter X. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. IV. Omission.
Chapter XI. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. V. Transposition.
Chapter XI. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. VI. Substitution.
Chapter XI. (continued). Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. VII. Addition.
Chapter XII. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. VIII. Glosses.
Chapter XIII. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. IX. Corruption by Heretics.
Chapter XIV. Causes of Corruption Chiefly Intentional. X. Corruption by the Orthodox.
Appendix I. Pericope de Adultera.
Appendix II. Conflation and the So-called Neutral Text.
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Latest reviews

This has information that most if not all modern critics do not go back into Biblical history: That ought to be considered!