• The SwordSearcher module repository on this forum contains listings and downloads of Bible study material for use with SwordSearcher Bible Software. To use the downloads on this site, you must have SwordSearcher installed on your computer, and you need to log in to the forum.
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J. Vernon McGee Book Notes and Outlines 1.1
Select McGee's PDF notes using a bookshelf metaphor

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Download and unzip this module to your SwordSearcher user directory. It should create JVM.ss5book and a directory called JVM-assets containing 50 files. When you restart SwordSearcher you should see a JVM book tab.

After clicking on a book of the Bible in the bookcase, McGee's notes and outline of the book should open. He has combined some Bible books such as 1,2 Kings, 1,2 Chronicles, Ezra & Nehemiah., etc. but every link should open to the correct PDF file. You must have a PDF reader installed on your computer. If you don't have a reader, you can get one here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/

First release
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5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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  1. J. Vernon McGee Book Notes and Outlines

    Fixed broken link to module

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Nice, notes from the radio program.