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Miscellaneous Articles by T. B. Baines [BainesMsc] 1.0
"A Man In Christ" and other articles. From The Christian Friend magazine.

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Module contents:
  • A Man In Christ
  • Destruction of Jerusalem and the Abomination of Desolation, The
  • Lord's Prophecy concerning Jerusalem, The
  • Occupy till I come
  • What is a Christian's Rule of Life, Christ or the Law?
  • Words of Man's Wisdom
Excerpt from What is a Christian's Rule of Life, Christ or the Law?
It is commonly taught among Christians, that the believer's rule of walk is the moral law, or the Ten Commandments. It is admitted, of course, by all, that the believer is not justified by the deeds of the law, and that if the law be thus used, it will only add to man's condemnation. His justification must clearly be by grace, and on the principle of faith; but when justified, what is the standard by which his life is to be governed? This, it is generally held, is the moral law, which was undoubtedly the rule given to Israel, and for its own purpose is, therefore, as perfect as all the other works of God's hands. It is true that believers are said to be under grace, and not under law; but this, it is maintained, applies to justification, not to walk. They are urged also not to return to law, but this is explained to mean the ceremonial law, not the moral. These distinctions are intelligible, but are they scriptural? Where does the word of God speak of a believer as being under the law for one purpose, and not for another? Where does it declare that while the ceremonial law is abrogated, the moral law is still in force as the rule for Christian walk? No doubt there is a distinction between the moral and ceremonial law, and also between the law as a ground of justification, and the law as a rule of life; but when this distinction is used to make Scripture harmonize with theology, it behooves us to inquire whether Scripture is thus fairly interpreted.​
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