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The Bible and the Newspaper (Spurgeon) [chsBNews] 1.0
Messages based on newspaper headlines.

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"I READ the, newspaper," said John Newton, "that I may see how my heavenly Father governs the world;" a very excellent reason indeed. We have read the newspaper during the last three months that we might find illustrations of the teaching of our heavenly Father's word; and we think we have not read in vain, for we have gathered instances in proof, and facts in explanation, which we have jotted down in these pages. The worlds of nature and of providence are full of parallels to things moral and spiritual, and serve as pictures to make the written book of inspiration more clear to the children of God. The Bible itself abounds in metaphors, type, and symbols; it is a great picture book; there is scarcely a poetical figure, which may not be found in the law and the prophets, or in the words of Jesus and his apostles. The preacher is bidden to speak as the oracles of God, and consequently he should imitate their illustrative method, and abound in emblems and parables. A sermon which is full of "likes" is full of windows to enlighten the mind, and hands to hold it captive. Discourses decked with similes will not only give pleasure to the children, but persons of riper years will be charmed and instructed thereby.

Time does not allow us to read the papers with the searching glance which would readily have discovered hundreds of emblems, we have had to give a hasty look as best we could, and hence our harvest is not so rich as that of a more quiet eye. A sense of leisure and of rest is needed if one is to follow the trails of nature, and listen to all her echoes. Not idleness but amplitude of space for thought is a requisite for the weaving of allegory and the fashioning of similitudes. Lacking these essentials, amid the hum of London and the whirl of the wheel of daily duty, we have produced a little home- spun where others might have woven tapestries of golden thread.

The things which we have seen and noted we now give our readers, not merely for their entertainment, but that we may encourage in them the habit of looking for emblems and analogies. It is a mental exercise as profitable as it is pleasant. Sunday-school teachers and all other servants of the great parable-making Master would find it an improving occupation to walk abroad in the garden and the field, and resolve to find some instructive similes before they returned home; and it would be almost as helpful to them if they staid at home and did with the newspaper what we have done. This might be done by Bible-classes and other associations of young men, very much to the development of a happy faculty. In a short time they might produce far more excellent specimens than those which are here presented. When they become practiced fishermen their nets would probably draw to shore much more precious fish than we in our haste have been able to capture.

Reader, may the good Lord speed us in this and in every other good design.

Thine to help,

July, 1878. C. H. SPURGEON

01. Preface
02. A Voice From the Sea
03. Calling Out the Reserves
04. Ladies' Dress
05. The Deceiver and the Victim
06. Floods in the Streets
07. The Race and Its Spectators
08. Double-minded
09. A Fox in the Pulpit
10. The Evil Wrought By One Man
11. Sympathy Created By Kindred Experience
12. The Morning Drummer and the Preacher
13. Have to Have More
14. Conscientous Separation
15. On Exposing Others to Peril
16. Want of Light
17. Tale-bearing
18. Tempting Temptation
19. Review At Aldershot
20. Quis Separabit?
21. Life Versus Machinery
22. Home-sickness
23. Religious Sluggards
24. The Withering of Unbelief
25. Sympathy
26. Benefit of Trial
27. Watching
28. Moore's Remonstrance
29. H. C. Wants Money
30. Sinking of the Ironclad
31. Tests for Diamonds
32. A Path Strewn With Blessings
33. The Fickleness of Mankind
34. Pearls
35. Safe — Not Saved
36. Diplomacy and Duplicity
37. Labor in Vain
38. Chaotic Theology
39. Want of Stamina
40. Blasting Prohibited
41. Deserters
42. Blame the Scale-maker
43. Spurious Imitations:
44. The Watch-tower
45. Battered Scripture
46. The True Wrestler
47. The Best Preparation for the Second Advent
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