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The Faith that Saves (B. H. Carroll) [bhcFaith] 1.0
A Compilation of Pungent Pulpit Messages on the Vitalities of Scripture Teaching.

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A Compilation of Pungent Pulpit Messages on the Vitalities of Scripture Teaching
For Thirty Years Pastor of First Baptist Church, Waco, Texas, and Founder and First President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary at Fort Worth, Texas
Who as Preacher, Evangelist, Mission Secretary, College President, Theologian, Ecclesiastical Statesman, Courageous Temperance Advocate, Author, Editor and Denominational Leader, has achieved a lofty immortality, this volume is affectionately dedicated
by The Editor.


One morning some twenty years ago, my good friend, Dr. W. D. Jones, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, said to me: "Dr. Cranfill, I want you to meet Dr. G. D. Mahon, who has recently come to Dallas. He is one of the most capable and brilliant surgeons of the South." Not long thereafter I went with Dr. Jones to greet Dr. Mahon, and from the moment I saw him I loved him. We have been friends through all the intervening days, and now, through his beneficence, this, the twenty-fifth volume of B. H. Carroll's works I have published and caused to be published, is given to the world.

During these twenty years Dr. Mahon has made hosts of friends. He is not only all and more than Dr. Jones said he was, but is also a man of most gracious and winsome personality. His offices in the Medical Arts Building are thronged with patients and his friends and admirers here in Dallas and throughout all the Southwest acclaim him one of the noblest of our fellow citizens.

And now his name goes forth as a generous friend of the immortality of the printed page. He did not lend his aid to this important enterprise through any desire for publicity or any hope of earthly reward. It is just one of Dick Mahon's new generosities. May God bless him in this benignancy and in every other avenue of his noble and potential life.

Readers of this volume, after they have perused it, will agree that it is one of of Dr. Carroll's best. It contains some very outstanding sermons. All of Dr. Carroll's sermons are great, but some carry added potentiality, and this is particularly true of the sermon in this book with the title, "The Ghastly Sin of Balaam," and the other, "The Agnostic." This volume was compiled by Professor J. W. Crowder, A.B., D.D., of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth. Since Dr. Carroll's death twenty-five years ago, he has nobly joined hands with me in the work of giving Dr. Carroll's messages to the world. He has more than earned all the grateful thanks of those who have read and are to read Dr. Carroll's great books. He has cooperated with me with unflagging zeal, interest and devotion.

Friends who know me well are aware that my eyesight for years has been impaired and it is thus that I have been quite dependent upon the kindly help and cooperation of those who have joined hands with me in the work I am doing and have sought to do.

My daughter, Miss Mabel Cranfill, who is an angel of goodness to me, has read proof for me and has been of inexpressible assistance in this phase of my work, and Mrs. Julia Leigh Smith, my capable and self-sacrificing secretary, has also joined hands with me devotedly in the preparation of the manuscript of this book and of other volumes. She has done more she has aided in sending out the books after they have come from the press, as she will aid in the circulation of this volume.

And now this book goes out upon its mission of love and helpfulness. It tells its own story of light and love and salvation. B. H. Carroll, being dead, yet speaketh. He will continue to speak through his immortal books for uncounted future years. Let us acclaim this volume as a memorial to him and think lovingly of the stately steppings of his conquering life, as we peruse these pages.


Dallas, Texas
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