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The Joy of BIBLE STUDY - Dr. Joe C. Pendleton 1.1
Someone has said, "No one ever graduates from Bible study until he meets the Author face to face."

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Bible study will result in holy lives. The psalmist said, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee" (Ps 119:11, [KJV]).

This manual is designed to aid you in Bible study. It is written to give you a systematic, comprehensive approach to Bible study, an approach that follows methodical steps. Each session will conclude with a study of a passage of Scripture. This will enable you to put into practice the methodology of Bible study. Secondly, passages have been chosen that will provide an exposure to five basic biblical doctrines:​

(1) The inspiration of Scriptures.
(2) The eternal security of the believer.
(3) The virgin birth and the deity of Christ.
(4) The establishment of the church.
(5) The personal, bodily, and eminent return of Christ

Dr. Joe Pendleton was the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Magnolia, Arkansas. He was a graduate of Jacksonville College (Texas), Texas Tech University, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served as instructor and dean of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary. He also was the author of To Be Continued: A Study in Acts.​

Session 1 - Introduction & Overview
Session 2 - Observation (Step One)
Session 3 - Interpretation (Step Two)
Session 4 - Evaluation (Step Three)
Session 5 - Application (Step Four) & Utilization (Step Five)
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About The Author
Pastor Langley
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