Search results

  1. Regie

    Footnotes - Can they be made to appear in a popup window or mouseover?

    In searching I found this in answer to the question I posted a little earlier today. I for one would love to see that ability in SwordSearcher.
  2. Regie

    Pop-up footnotes?

    If I have ever done this before, I do not remember it, but is there a way when creating a module to make footnotes pop-up when scrolled on or if clicked upon to open in a new window? I will appreciate any input on this. Regie
  3. Regie

    My question is I use Logos since Wordsearch got bought up but am interested in thoughts on this program for possible purchase thank you

    Let me find and post a link here that I think will better answer this, even though I will make a few remarks. BRB. IRIScan Desk 5 Pro That is the one I am supposed to receive today. I have a Czur scanner, but it does not have the ability to scan a book without ripping it apart. This new one...
  4. Regie

    Stand-up scanners

    I have been using a Czur Shine 500 scanner now for a few days and have had to rip apart a book in order to get a good result. Scanning is faster than my old flatbed scanner. However, I am considering a couple of scanners with the auto flatten and deskew capabilities, such as: Czur Shine or...
  5. Regie

    My question is I use Logos since Wordsearch got bought up but am interested in thoughts on this program for possible purchase thank you

    Yes, join the retired club. :) Have you or anyone here tried one of these stand-up scanners? I think I will post a separate entry with some questions. MGB.
  6. Regie

    My question is I use Logos since Wordsearch got bought up but am interested in thoughts on this program for possible purchase thank you

    I have Logos too but I do not like it half as much as I like SwordSearcher. Am I not right that from Logos (I do not know about Wordsearch) you can copy and paste into SwordSearcher? One of my favorite things about SwordSearcher is that you can search for something like Genesis 3:5 and if an...
  7. Regie

    SwordSearcher work in Philippines?

    This might be a stupid question but a friend may buy SS if it will work well in the Philippines. Thanks much, Regie
  8. Regie

    User-submitted Spurgeon's Expository Notes

    I just found Psalm 30:5 and context. " cometh in the morning." The weeping has certainly been here and I feel sure is not over yet. A friend told me earlier that he cried for 3 years after losing his wife many years ago.
  9. Regie

    User-submitted Spurgeon's Expository Notes

    Oh how much it means to me to be among friends here in this group.
  10. Regie

    User-submitted Spurgeon's Expository Notes

    I am very happy that you like it. MGB. Please pray for me - I lost my wife Sunday.
  11. Regie

    Hot key for Format, Style and Format Cleaner

    Thanks much for your reply. I soon gave up on the autohotkey thing but I have been using the alt-os in the editor and finding that very helpful. If I remember correctly, I use the alt-os, then the enter key and then alt/s to save it all - gets to be pretty automatic. :) That makes it a lot...
  12. Regie

    Hot key for Format, Style and Format Cleaner

    Brandon, Could (or is there now and I don't know it) a hotkey set up for formatting each new entry with all the formatting options that a person chooses for that hotkey? And, if a person wanted a different type format in other cases, a separate hotkey for that choice? Thanks, Regie
  13. Regie

    Re-formatting a whole module

    Thank you and all who replied. MGB.
  14. Regie

    Re-formatting a whole module

    Thank you much. Until I unchecked the "Keep Basic Styles (Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-through" it just would not do right. But, now it looks like I want it. Do you think I did it correctly?
  15. Regie

    Re-formatting a whole module

    Is there a way to format a complete module without having to do it an entry at a time by using "Edit/Format/Style and Format Cleaner" Thanks.
  16. Regie

    User-submitted The Atonement by Israel Atkinson

    Regie submitted a new module: The Atonement by Israel Atkinson - Exposition and defense of the atonement Read more about this module...
  17. Regie

    The Atonement by Israel Atkinson 2021-11-27

    THE atonement of Jesus Christ is an unspeakably important branch of gospel truth; and every scriptural, intelligent, and godly exposition and defense of it ought to be welcomed by the living church of God. (written by John Hazelton)
  18. Regie

    User-submitted Spurgeon's Expository Notes

    Regie submitted a new module: Spurgeon's Expository Notes - Comments taken from sermons of C. H. Spurgeon Read more about this module...
  19. Regie

    Spurgeon's Expository Notes 1

    I have combined all the pages that were on the internet into one page and have arranged the comments according to the position in the verses as best I could and have eliminated quoting the same part of verse(s) and put all the comments into one place for that same verse quote.
  20. Regie

    Spurgeons Expository Notes (finished)

    So, my friends, hang around another 15 or 20 years and maybe I will have this all done if I can live to be 92 or more. :) Never know, I might. Anyway, although I am not yet ready to publish the module(s) to SwordSearcher for downloading, I will be glad to get it NOW to anyone who would care...