Pop-up footnotes?


Active Member
If I have ever done this before, I do not remember it, but is there a way when creating a module to make footnotes pop-up when scrolled on or if clicked upon to open in a new window? I will appreciate any input on this.

If I have ever done this before, I do not remember it, but is there a way when creating a module to make footnotes pop-up when scrolled on or if clicked upon to open in a new window? I will appreciate any input on this.

Not really. It may be technically possible to do if you used the code editor and found some CSS that did the trick, but there's no straightforward way to do what you're asking, and there's no support for opening new windows using a link.
Not really. It may be technically possible to do if you used the code editor and found some CSS that did the trick, but there's no straightforward way to do what you're asking, and there's no support for opening new windows using a link.
Thank you. On the module I am working on (which has tons of footnotes) I am highlighting the footnote numbers in red and then putting the footnote indented immediately after the paragraph. Does anyone have any ideas they can share on how they do them? I do not like to mess with the code editor, but I do figure that there is a way using html coding (which I have not tried in a long time) but it is all tedious and more mind bogging IMO than just using the easy way I am doing it. :) Thanks Brandon.