Search results

  1. Johnny NL


    MAN ! Do I love seeing members, "learning" ALL the tools of SS9. After 12 years in it, I am still learning.... My "GO TO" is always my best friend; F1 and all the vids. Loll. What a Blessing !
  2. Johnny NL

    Help please

    Amen.... F1 is also a good Help ! ! ! And the videos.... in HELP Tab !
  3. Johnny NL

    User-submitted J. Vernon McGee Audio File Journal

    This is "THE" perfect and "ONLY" way to do it indeed ! ! ! ! Amen.
  4. Johnny NL

    User-submitted The Spirit World (Larkin) [LSW]

    YES Sir . . . . Thank you so much. ALL is Perfect . . . as Usual ! ! ! Amen!
  5. Johnny NL

    Bible request

    Is this copyrighted ? ?
  6. Johnny NL

    User-submitted The Spirit World (Larkin) [LSW]

    The whole 🌎 of SwordSearcher 9.0 . . . U n b e l i e v a b l e ! Amen.
  7. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Spurgeon's Expository Notes

    My Prayers Sir, towards you that you may keep your peace through this very hard times. May the LORD Jesus Christ, support you and your whole family, . . . through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
  8. Johnny NL

    User Book Module Disappeared

    Amen . . . at least you had them backed up!!! should see the tons of Tylenols I had to take, when I had a similar issue... 😆 NOW, I use 4x Back up devices, which one of them is backed up every week, and stored in a Fire Proof Safe.... . . . . Never more . . .
  9. Johnny NL

    2022 . . . ?

    In the "uncertainty" of 2022, with what's on the go with all those "Last Days" verses from OUR KJV, I still wanna take time to wish all the Blessings from the Lord, to ALLLL SS9 members, here in the blog, but also to the full extend of all your family members. I wanna Specially Praise the LORD...
  10. Johnny NL

    NO, not as a module... But I have it as a Kindle.

    NO, not as a module... But I have it as a Kindle.
  11. Johnny NL

    Verse guide auto opens when opening a verse (how to stop this)

    Agree Sir... Same here in CANADA, t'was built on FAITH in THE LORD, .... now? not so much. BUT ! ! ! ! "we" know, for the BIBLE tells me SO !
  12. Johnny NL

    Verse guide auto opens when opening a verse (how to stop this)

    Can you imagine "if ", KJV1611 and SS9 would be taught together in schools, starting grade 6, . . . what generation we would be creating ! ! ! ! I praise the Lord for KJV and SS9 ! ! ! Be Blessed.
  13. Johnny NL

    Save Current Layout.

    I think this was brought up before, I just can't find the ref. Future version; would it be possible to have a "possibility/Button" to Save the current Layout "WITH" all Tabs/Panels/Books/Commentaries/Search, opened/used, and the possibility to "return" to a previous original "Saved Layout"...
  14. Johnny NL

    Sword Searcher on the Metaverse?

    Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (KJV WILE, n. A trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception; a sly, insidious artifice. That ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6. WILE, v.t...
  15. Johnny NL

    Visual comment for Ex 10:14

    . . . So close to the Rapture, ... Titus 2.13.
  16. Johnny NL

    Thompson Chain Reference Comprehensive Bible Helps

    I would also be a "buyer" . . . Lots of references, + pics, + and more. Indeed, it would be nice to access that knowledge in SS9, for sure ! ! !
  17. Johnny NL


    i do use it.... A lot... and I love it Sir. thanks for the fast response Sir.
  18. Johnny NL


    Auto-hide: I'v been using that feature for many years, and the panel chosen for auto-hide, always showed up on the "right" edge, or the Left" edge. NOW, if I chose a panel to be auto-hide, and the Tab shows up at the bottom, which make that panel WAY too W I D E on my 48" monitor...
  19. Johnny NL

    Sword Searcher on the Metaverse?

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. (KJV) Hosea 4:6